SPAM, SPAMMERS and their ASSOCIATES... - page 115


Technical post number one.

Technical post number two.
Technical post number three.

PR site

And here the dude has turned to direct insults. Please clean it up.

Yep., VJRTUOS is using foul language, it's uncivilized, the elite are like traders, and here... (((

IgorM:, VJRTUOS is using foul language, it's uncivilized, the elite are like traders, and here... (((

What is so strange? The more elite they are, the freer they behave in society. That's where it comes out, what language you think in and how you talk to your children at home :))
Dear, gentlemen moderators, at this time an interesting topic appeared on the forum and immediately got flooded.

Dear Moderators

In violation of all written and unwritten rules, I would like to discuss your inaction.

A real asshole Mikhail Andreevich lives his life on the forum. Formally, without violating the rules he littered the forum.

A normal newcomer joins the forum, opens a normal forum thread. The asshole's already snail brain, incapable of

of the brain has no problem shoveling shit down the thread. The new guy has retreated. This new guy, in terms of usefulness to the resource, is a hundred times more useful.

But he's gone and the ever-drunken snail is going to continue his drudgery.

"Maybe the conservatory needs a tweak."


Greetings. :)

And I support you in your righteous anger. However, no action has been taken by the moderators since I, not too long ago, in the same thread, asked for at least some action regarding the troelike snail.