"Trees don't grow to the sky" - page 51

... To avoid paranoia, open several accounts (with different brokerage companies) and trade on your own, choosing an account for a new trade at random. As a result, you will still have the cool total equity, while the equity for each individual account will be somewhere in the plus ("lucky") and somewhere in the red ("lost"), and will not be of interest to potential investigators.

The company has a number of different accounts, which have the same value as the initial one.

If the total profit system is spread over several accounts, it will inevitably cause one or more accounts to show profits, perhaps even more concentrated than the total, which will entail the same reprisals. A subsequent decline in profitability will not help the account, it will already be blacklisted.
The only advantage is splitting of a large profit up to the "threshold of insensitivity" of brokerage companies. And the threshold, as practice shows, can be less than a couple hundred dollars a day.

You have to keep in mind that there is a big difference between a profitable scalper and a profitable medium-term scalper.
If you want you personally may set "filters" personally for your broker, but it's probably forbidden to talk about it here, so I'll leave it alone.

in kitchens there is no problem, can connect so smoothed cut off (and not one hour!!! For such cases they say they need to call directly to the centre and close the deal or make another opryatsiyu for orders, even give the phone number, and maybe you even get through and oh yes!!! all prokanat (experience), but the next time, the most inopportune, it turns out that you can always call and not get through, while the price ruthlessly rushes into the abyss, driving the account balance to the floor ), that the loss is inevitable, even on the medium term, saying that this is prescribed in the rules and had to put a stop.... i don't know what to do with them, but they have a lot of chips for both scalpers and non-scalpers.

If you have a good idea to buy a slippers counterfeit card, you should have seen it as an antimonopoly regulation and you don't need to put a stop on it.

As for the specifics of functional add-ons in the trading terminal, not to mention the fact that everything has long been known and scanned, if you personally want a broker may put "filters" for you personally.

But it is probably forbidden to talk about it, so I'll leave it alone.

You have to put a stop, it is clear to all adequate people. In the medium term all the openings of a broker will be visible to the trader and the work with such a broker may be stopped. For instance I always compare suspicious places according to quotes from different sources, there were a couple of questionable moments during two years but no more.
You have to put a stop, it is clear to all adequate people. In the medium term all the openings of a broker will be visible to the trader and the work with such a broker may be stopped. For example I always compare suspicious places using quotes from different sources, in two years there were a couple of questionable moments but no more.

If you have already deposited your money, the real account will show them.
C-4: Rather we must learn to determine whether the current state of the pammogram is accidental or due to high professionalism of the manager. Unfortunately equity alone is not enough for that, but you can find out a lot from its dynamics.

Limit of profitability of TS has some logical explanation - the TS used by a trader is finite and cannot work forever, therefore its profitability percentage is limited.

Therefore, the higher the equity, the greater the risk of a loss, so investing at high equity values carries greater risks than investing at low equity values.

Finding another TS by the trader which can bring profit or reoptimizing the old TS so that it starts to bring profit again cannot be guaranteed )))).


Even if you bypass all the intrigues against the dts, the last right to cancel trades due to mythical non-market quotes remains with them, crofr is full of such claims, and legally the law is on their side, because everything is spelled out.

The law is on our side.

There are two positions written in all the Civil Code of the world:

1. Unilateral repudiation is not allowed.

2. any contractual provision contrary to the law is considered unwritten.

They can write anything they want in contracts.

DC offered a deal price, often asked for confirmation and then refused the deal?

You always have to roll over if you have something to fight for.



It's always worth it if there's something to fight for.

There is something to fight for! I suggest that everyone who has something to fight for should get high!

I warmly congratulate the forum participants on Entrepreneur's Day, of which I am one, and wish them success in all their undertakings and endeavours!

I've been an entrepreneur since 2000, fuck.... tired )

The law is on our side.

There are two positions written in all the Civil Code around the world:

1. unilateral repudiation is not allowed

2. any contractual provision that contradicts the law is considered unwritten.

They can write anything they want in contracts.

DC offered a deal price, often asked for confirmation, and then refused the deal?

It is always necessary to make a case if there is something to fight for.

Which side are you talking about? Russia?

You can get punished if the courts are fair. And in Russia, the courts do not work fairly. Therefore, it is useless to get punitive )))