"Trees don't grow to the sky" - page 56

...And your farts and paranoia on the forum are getting tiresome.

I would ask you to be more modest

God, what have I lived to - I support Mikhail Andreyevich's opinion :))

if you look at the top 10 pamm boards of a top brokerage house, you see a rare pattern - a dozen results with relatively low returns

What conclusion have you drawn? Looked at the date of creation of the topic - LeoV 08.07.2009 14:25. It's already 2.5 years old. Will this thread end with conclusions?

What's the conclusion :-) don't expect to sit on Forex for decades... You need to set a goal - let's say a thousand quid - for 1-2-3 years of work -

develop a trading system to meet that goal - and start making money... - reach your goal and then spend your life spitting at the ceiling :-)


What's the conclusion :-) don't expect to sit on Forex for decades... You need to set a goal - let's say a thousand quid - for 1-2-3 years of work -
develop a trading system to meet that goal - and start making money... - reach your goal and then spend your life spitting at the ceiling :-)

Do you think that a trader, say with a deposit of 20 thousand quid (like some people here) may earn 1 million for 3 years? So, it has to be increased 50 times within 3 years, i.e. 3.7 times a year?
Do you think this is realistic?


What's the conclusion :-) don't expect to sit on forex for dozens of years... You have to set a goal - maybe a thousand quid - for 1-2-3 years of work.

develop a trading system for this purpose - and start making money... - reach your goal and then spend your life spitting at the ceiling :-)

No, you can invest, but because the investor has only one tool - the trader (PAMM manager), then apparently the investor needs some gut feeling or some data to invest funds at the lowest possible values of equity and withdraw them to a certain limit of its value.

The question is, at what values is it optimal to invest and at what values is it optimal to withdraw?

In this regard, maybe it would be possible to calculate the risk of withdrawal from the equity value?

Limit value, due to what? Is it due to a broker's greed or other reasons?
DmitriyN: Limit value, what is caused by? Broker's greed or other reasons?

The limit value is conditioned by the functionality of the TS (you can take some average), the greed of the broker, the adequacy of the trader and so on and so forth)))

Due to the many factors and the multidirectional nature of it - is it just luck? ))))


Do you believe that a trader, say with a deposit of 20 thousand quid (like some people here) can earn 1 million in 3 years? So, it needs to be increased 50-fold over 3 years, i.e. 3.7 times a year?
Do you think this is realistic?

Yeah... I know some people here :-) who were making about 1500-1800% annually from an initial 10k depot, constantly withdrawing the resulting profits.... until they made as much as they needed to get out of work :-)....

Gee, talkers at the mercy of the conversation.

TheXpert: Huh, to the talkers at large.

Nice takeoff. )))) How high does it go? I'll give it a maximum of 3,000%.