Offtopic: Stealing Aleynikov or how arbitration is done ;-) - page 5

gip писал(а) >>

Apparently you are not a commercial programmer. If you created a really marketable product, you wouldn't care about imperfect mechanisms, you would welcome any help to protect your rights. Even reducing the piracy of your product from 99% to 98% is already doubling the dirty money that can be used to develop the product or to treat a sick relative. So there has to be intellectual property protection. The Americans are better at it. And in Russia... One guy was bugging me the other day that if he paid for the internet, he had the right to all the software, all the movies and music... ...and he's a moron, in a word... I won't generalize :)

You do realise this is a fight for the purity of the faith. It's the same way they burned the Heritecs at the stake.

That's not right. Commercial is not commercial, it's all snot. I'm so commercial that 20 years ago I was selling a shovar. The same copy protection. Do you even hear me? Try to think in the examples I gave. Should the photocopier be banned too?

It's artificial harassment. And the americans are stupid. They and everyone else with them will be swept off the board in this matter if they don't convey their views.

SProgrammer >> :

You understand that this is a struggle for the purity of the faith. It's the same way they burned the Heritecs at the stake.

That's not right. Commercial isn't commercial, it's all snot. I'm commercial enough that 20 years ago I was selling a shovar. The same copy protection. Do you even hear me? Try to think in the examples I gave. Should the photocopier be banned too?

It's artificial harassment. And the americans are stupid. They and everyone else with them will be swept off the board in this matter if they don't convey their views.

I don't understand you. I work and sell the product. I don't give a... to all theoretical and historical considerations and if I find out that someone is using my product and has not paid me, I will come to that with representatives of K management.

gip писал(а) >>

I don't understand you. I work and sell product. I don't give a... on all theoretical and historical considerations and if I find out that someone is using my product and hasn't paid me, I will come to that with K management representatives.

Ha ha. How would you know? Download it off the Internet. They'll break it, protection. I, for example, will break it if I have to.

But those who will do otherwise (I do not know how), they will beat those who go door-to-door with the K. :)

It's a mistake not to understand that it's useless to fight nature. They'll make a photocopier for the stuff. And then not only programmers will start crying.

Did you hear what I said about China? They clone whatever they want and send everyone away. :) They just don't give a shit about anyone - as long as it's for the domestic market. And it's a billion for a second. And those who find a natural way to make money will ruin those who use the inquisition. Don't you get it? It's not religion, it's nature and science. You can't make the water flow upwards. :)

gip >> :

I do not understand you. I work and sell the product. I don't give a... on all theoretical and historical considerations and if I find out that someone uses my product and hasn't paid me, I will come to that with K management.


gip >> :

I don't approve of him, but I wouldn't call him a thief in this situation either.

I'll come and disapprove... That's what schizophrenia is called - a plurality of opinions in one head.

timbo >> :


I will come and disapprove... That's what schizophrenia is called - a plurality of opinions in a single head.

Yeah, you're as much of a doctor as I am a ballerina... And you draw clinical conclusions from the fact that I didn't immediately call the man a thief. To call someone a thief, I'd have to read the terms of the contract, what was agreed to verbally at the conclusion, what was written in fine print and grey type on the back of the contract... The Americans know how to draw up contracts and infringement, it's business... Anyway, I don't know what really happened there... And it may not be a real recognition either, but a conditional agreement of the parties as part of a legal dispute... And I can well imagine a situation where Sax cheated Aleynikov...


Bought-without-bought, videoconference-schmidic...


That's the wrong way round...

Okay. (chuckles) So here's the deal:

- I set up Schmidick LLC and it has an "e-trading" department.

Simply put, it has a server hosting the Expert Advisors created by the company.

(and consequently belonging to it).

To provide the work of this department, you need at least an administrator - the Expert Advisor writer.

Experts are written on the basis of the conclusions of analysts, mathematicians and other things commissioned from the outside, and are presented as separate files.

The administrator only has access to the docks and functions... and his task is to assemble it all into a complete product of the company - the Expert Advisor,

and to keep it running...

The terms of employment stipulate that everything belongs to the company and is confidential.


Now the question.

What kind of pious words to praise me for the administrator who took the expert as a "bonus"?


kombat >> :

Bought-without-bought, vidik-schmidik...


That's the wrong way round...

Okay. (chuckles) So here's the deal:

- I set up Schmidick LLC and it has an "e-trading" department.

Simply put, there is a server on which the Expert Advisors created in the company run.

(and consequently belonging to it).

To provide the work of this department, you need at least an administrator - the Expert Advisor writer.

Experts are written on the basis of the conclusions of analysts, mathematicians and other things commissioned from the outside, and are presented as separate files.

The administrator only has access to the docks and functions... and his task is to assemble it all into a complete product of the company - the Expert Advisor,

and to maintain it in the future...

The terms of employment stipulate that everything belongs to the company and is confidential.


Now the question.

What kind of pious words to praise me for the administrator who took the expert as a "bonus"?


what harm is it to you that he took it?

SProgrammer >> :

Ha-ha. How would you know? Download it from the Internet. They'll break it, they'll protect it. I, for example, will break it if I have to.

But those who will do otherwise (I do not know how), they will beat those who go door-to-door with the K. :)

It's a mistake not to understand that it's useless to fight nature. They'll make a photocopier for the stuff. And then not only programmers will start crying.

Did you hear what I said about China? They clone whatever they want and send everyone away. :) They just don't give a shit about anyone - as long as it's for the domestic market. And it's a billion for a second. And those who find a natural way to make money will ruin those who use the inquisition. Don't you get it? It's not religion, it's nature and science. You can't make the water flow upwards. :)

And there's nothing to break. Even the codes are open. Hehe :) Nevertheless, I've made my position clear. You're not required to understand it either, that's not the point. The point is that I will defend my interests if I have the opportunity to do so. Wherever the water flows. We will pump it up if we have to :)

kombat писал(а) >>

Bought-not-bought, videoconference-schmidic...

Now the question.

What kind of pious words can I use to commemorate the administrator who grabbed the expert as a "bonus" when he was fired?


This is completely different.

This is industrial espionage. This is where he should be caught and punished.

gip писал(а) >>

And there's nothing to break. Even the codes are open. Hehe :) Nevertheless, I've made my position clear. You're not required to understand it either, that's not the point. The point is that I will defend my interests if I have the opportunity to do so. Wherever the water flows. We'll pump it up if we have to :)

You're so funny. Go ahead, fly. You don't even have to fly high, just low and low.

You want to "make your MTS mullions".

:) A sense of omnipotence, that's normal. :)) But it passes quickly.