Off-topic MT4/mql4 questions. - page 18

yes. just copy those cells to other cells.

Now I get it - I was trying to copy the "=B1/F1" operation, whereas I should have copied the result cell.

Thank you!


Good afternoon. Please advise. I need to create a system restore point.

For example - September 14th.

What should I set (write) in this window ? -

This is a description, write what you are comfortable with, e.g. first point

Your question was about how to create a restore point

Are you trying to rollback correctly?


Yes - I'm setting an existing recovery point.


Here's the thing. Yesterday I updated and saved an archived text file (wordpress) in MY DOCUMENTS.

Today I discovered - that this file is gone... It is not in the trash. Search does not find it. Word - shows this file name and its update in LAST DOCUMENTS, - but when I try to open it - it says that it is not found in MY DOCUMENTS.

I don't know what to do. I thought recovery might help.


First things first, after a configuration change Windows automatically creates restore points to which you can roll back later. You may have disabled it.

Points can be forcefully created, which is what you are trying to do.

You can only rollback to points previously created.


You probably have the file, you need to look for it, I can't help you.



I don't know what to do. Thought maybe recovery would help.

Recovery won't help. Look for the file in the archives. It looks like you edited the file in the archive. It's still there if you answered yes to all the archiver's questions. Even if you saved the file by clicking on the "floppy disk" icon, it will only be saved in the archive if you answered "yes" to the archiver's question "The file .... has been modified. Do you want to update it in the archive?"

Good afternoon!

Please advise. Something has happened to the computer clock (bottom right corner) for the last week.

I usually turn it on around 10mc in the morning.

But for a few days now the clock shows a strange time when I turn it on. 7:45, 8: 40, 6:53 etc. - but just not the current morning time (around 10:00 Moscow time).

After forced synchronization with the internet time the clock works fine until the end of the day, even if I turn off or overload the computer. But when I switch the computer on the next day, it needs to be synchronised again.

Who has faced such a problem? How to fix it?


Good afternoon!

Please advise. Something has happened to the computer clock (bottom right corner) for the last week.

I usually turn it on around 10mc in the morning.

But for a few days now the clock shows a strange time when I turn it on. 7:45, 8: 40, 6:53 etc. - but just not the current morning time (around 10:00 Moscow time).

After forced synchronization with the internet time the clock works fine until the end of the day, even if I turn off or overload the computer. But when I switch the computer on the next day, it needs to be synchronised again.

Who has faced such a problem? How to fix it?

if you don't have so-called joke software (not malware :) ) - You may have a dead battery on your motherboard, you can get one at any computer shop for about $1

If your computer is more than 3 years old, you can safely replace the battery


Thank you. I see. The computer is exactly five years old. I didn't even know there was a battery.

Does it have to be replaced? Doesn't the discharge of this battery hurt anything besides the clock?