Quantum trading system


The phenomenon of retrocausality will help scientists solve one of the biggest mysteries of modern physics: Why can one particle instantly affect another, even if they are in different parts of the galaxy? Although the theory of relativity tells us that it is impossible to move faster than the speed of light. Recent experiments, however, prove that one particle can instantly influence another particle, no matter where it is located. In turn, physicists argue that this is just an involuntary upward or downward movement of a particle. There's no communication between them. But if you consider the phenomenon of retrocausality, it can be explained quite easily. One of the particles can send a wave back down the timeline to the point when the particle pair was created. The signal would not need to travel faster than light; it could simply repeat the path taken by the first particle through space-time, returning to the place where the two particles first emitted their impulses into space-time. There a wave from the first particle could interact with the second particle without violating the theory of relativity.In this example we see how easily the phenomenon of retrocausality explained this phenomenon.

In June 2006, at the American Association for the Advancement of Science conference, Kramer proposed an experiment that could be a test of this kind of phenomenon as "retrocausality". It combines the "double-section waves and particles" experiment with other mysterious phenomena of quantum physics in an attempt to send a signal back in time.



I realise how far away this is from traders, but the thought of trying to create a quantum trading system never leaves me.

The topic is interesting, I respect innovation. Any constructive ideas?

It can also be simpler, think of the construction of a collider as an initial deposit. You build it, you launch it... Well, there's a hole in Wall Street... then create a black hole in the forex market. And suck up all the dough in peace.

sol писал(а) >>

The phenomenon of retrocausality will help scientists solve one of the biggest mysteries of modern physics: Why can one particle instantly affect another, even if they are in different parts of the galaxy? Although the theory of relativity tells us that it is impossible to move faster than the speed of light. Recent experiments, however, prove that one particle can instantly influence another particle, no matter where it is located. In turn, physicists argue that this is just an involuntary upward or downward movement of a particle. There's no communication between them. But if you consider the phenomenon of retrocausality, it can be explained quite easily. One of the particles can send a wave back down the timeline to the point when the particle pair was created. The signal would not have to travel faster than light; it could simply repeat the path taken by the first particle through space-time, returning to the point where the two particles first emitted their impulses into space-time. There a wave from the first particle could interact with the second particle without violating the theory of relativity.In this example we see how easily the phenomenon of retrocausality explained this phenomenon.

In June 2006, at the American Association for the Advancement of Science conference, Kramer proposed an experiment that could be a test of this kind of phenomenon as "retrocausality". It combines the "double-section waves and particles" experiment with other mysterious phenomena of quantum physics in an attempt to send a signal back in time.



I realise how far away this is from traders, but the thought of trying to create a quantum trading system never leaves me.

Do you know how to skate?

I just didn't even get a chance to read it (what's on the links) =) but I tried.... honestly

An experiment on this topic was recently conducted in Switzerland. Quanta actually interacted with each other faster than the speed of light. It was reported on RBC.

The idea of creating a quantum trading system came to me after an article by Israeli physicists in which they discuss creating a quantum game system in which the advantage will always be on the side of the one who knows the laws of quantum mechanics.



Further searching led me to John Kramer, whose works are referenced in my first post.

It may be worth reading this article for a better understanding of the basic principles of his interpretation:


I also considered the Many Worlds Interpretation https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Many-worlds_interpretation This interpretation of quantum mechanics implies the existence of many worlds in which all variants of events are realized.

A transaction can be thought of as a quantum event the result of which is in the future. Quantum system must either give us a signal from the future about the end of the result of the transaction or help us choose the world in which the result of our transaction will be positive.


Quantum trading system - you launch a satellite with a laser into space... Panic, UFOs are thought, and as usual they buy gold and sell the dollar...


I learned about parallel worlds in high school. Mathematicians proved it long ago.

But here's the problem: Particles are one thing, but events are another. If so, it would be a time machine, which is not very logical because in the parallel universes can be anything, a time machine is a thing of the distant future and our current knowledge is not enough even to explain the causes of some objects ... let alone trade.

No fundamental knowledge => the system itself is not possible without that knowledge

BARS >> :

Quantum trading system - you launch a satellite with a laser into space... Panic, UFOs are thought, and as usual they buy gold and sell the dollar...


I learned about parallel worlds in high school. Mathematicians proved it long ago.

But here's the problem: Particles are one thing, but events are another. If so, it would be a time machine, which is not very logical because in the parallel universes can be anything, a time machine is a thing of the distant future and our current knowledge is not enough even to explain the causes of some objects ... let alone trade.

No fundamental knowledge => the system itself is not possible without this knowledge

In this case, we are not talking about a time machine, but about a transmission machine of one bit of information through time, or about a machine selector of a probable universe, in which the conditions are such that our transaction closes in profits.

If we assume that the theory about plurality of worlds is correct, then our trading robots are none other than such selector machines. And the line where exactly the selection takes place is very blurred. Information that a trading robot has quite a material representation in the form of assemblies of particles definitely lined up on electronic carriers. The information about quotes comes to your personal world through a quantum channel of communication.

Trading systems often show unstable characteristics.

One of the simplest experiments that comes to mind is to compare the performance of a trading robot when you are observing its actions and have data on quotes, and when you are absolutely cut off (dark room, Faraday cage) from the source of quotes.

sol >> :

In this case we are not talking about a time machine, we are talking about a one bit information transfer machine through time, or a probable universe selector machine in which the conditions are such that our trade closes in profit.

No way !!! Just kill yourselves ! Analyse what will happen in the future on them (parallel worlds or chetam ...) !

Because if we want to analyze whether there will be a profit or not, it is already time !!! Not the parallel world...

Teleportation would be a better idea! At least the practical application.... )))

BARS >> :

No way!!! Kill yourselves! Analyze what will happen in the future on them (parallel worlds or chetam ...) !

Because if we want to analyze whether there will be a profit or not, it is time !!! Not the parallel world...

Teleportation would be a better idea! At least the practical application.... )))

I'd like to hear arguments as to why "No way !!!"

You probably know what time really is, don't you? It once occurred to me that time is geometric entropy.

Within MWI, each quantum of time can be represented as a separate universe.

sol >> :

I'd like to hear arguments as to why "No way !!!"

Do you probably know what time really is? It once occurred to me that time is geometric entropy.

Within MWI, each quantum of time can be represented as a separate universe.

Arguments, fine:

Our knowledge is by " global standards" in its infancy about the very notion of the concepts themselves. What is time, what is this universe itself.

Namely measure and space (there are still debates about space in space, above space and others....) are dimensions themselves. We don't even really know. Even the calculations we use now may turn out to be useless in the other galaxy. ( Not the fact of course, but nevertheless), we even cannot send a satellite beyond our universe for the simple reason: we do not know how to return it as we do not know how to orient in our space. (I was talking about long distances)

Sections of physics are not yet understood in these areas. That is why they build colliders (they say differently everywhere) in the hope to see how it was. These are just theories! Which are worthless without practical research!

They used to think there was nothing faster than light. But black holes have been discovered and no one can say what they are, mind you that no light comes out of them.

So this topic is meaningless now only because there is no basic knowledge of what and how.

At all times, the fundamental branches of science have required enormous resources and time. When there is at least a clear concept of the universe. Then we'll start thinking about parallel worlds...