Quantum trading system - page 5

bidrio писал(а) >>


P.S. I understand and support the idea of the author of this post.

Excerpt from the film at the link.

The trainer shows a picture of a field where trampled grass forms geometric shapes:

- Look closely, what does this remind you of? Yes, yes, that's a double DNA molecule! And what's that? Oh, that's right! - That's a triple DNA molecule.

Look what the people who made these drawings want to warn us about. -We (mankind) are in for a big change in 2012...

So on and on and on.

One could die laughing if it wasn't all so sad. I look at us from the outside and I cannot get away from the thought that all our troubles, by and large, are deep-seated in us - when our mother told us a story as a child, we have been living our whole lives under the impression of that story and we don't want to see the reality. Of course, with age a person gets smarter, but for the vast majority of people, the process boils down to a transition to a new, more complex fairy tale. At first, it is Father Christmas and the good Fairy, and by old age, it is torsional fields, cosmic intelligence and... (further depending on one's degree of education).

It seems that Forex, as we present it as independent traders, attracts very "unconventional" personalities. This is clearly visible in the general content of posts on forums. It seems to me that 90 percent of our contingent are people with mental peculiarities and non-traditional education (if I can put it that way). Is that why 99% of all traders lose? Apparently Forex is a sort of litmus test for naturals like you and me.


A long time ago everyone believed that the earth was flat, and those who said it was round were considered abnormal...

"Suppose all educated people know that something is impossible to do. However, there is one ignoramus who does not know it. He is the one who makes the discovery!". Albert Einstein.

creation писал(а) >>

"Suppose all educated people know that something cannot be done. However, there is one ignorant person who does not know it. He is the one who makes the discovery!". Albert Einstein.

We are talking about different categories.

I am talking about a child who knows very little about the laws of this world. You should not expect from him a breakthrough in this or that field of knowledge - the probability is very low, as, for example, to expect that his scattered cubes of letters will rhyme (not excluded, but you should not bet on it either).

Einstein, on the other hand, speaks about a worker-scientist ("ignoramus" is an easy and appropriate gesture on the part of the author), who long and painstakingly analysed, studied the subject and came to a conclusion, which does not contradict the laws of this World, but is perpendicular to the generally accepted opinion. This is a new step in knowledge, which has eternal value.

The Theory of Relativity itself does not disprove Newton's mechanics, but only supplements it (extending to a region of speeds comparable to the speed of light), greatly expanding the scope of our understanding of Being.

Feel the difference.


That's not what I meant at all... :)

You are talking about a localized reality, where objectivity manifests itself in a relatively stable way, with the result that the very laws in the conventional sense can be discovered...

But reality is much broader than just a physical localised reality...

And human consciousness is the cause of that reality...

Everything we see is a product of our consciousness...

If we dig deeper, we can get to the point where objectivity begins to collapse and locality becomes non-locality...

Quantum physics studies the laws of nonlocal reality...

And there are a lot of tricks... :)

The scientific community has already had to abandon objective realism and include the role of an observer - human consciousness...

And if you dig even deeper, it will turn out that no one discovers laws, but simply invents them... :)

That is why the theory of relativity and laws of quantum physics are so contradictory...

As these two fields of science study different levels of reality...

The first is local, the second is non-local...

The first objective, the second subjective, or rather the reality in which the role of the observer is included...


The further into the macro ( towards the pursuit of entanglement towards zero - towards locality), the slower this objectivity changes and vice versa...

Therefore, this is only an illusion of objectivity...

There are no absolute laws, only slowly changing patterns of the reality we are studying...

Therefore, experiment in the scientific world is the criterion of truth...

And any theory is a dilution of the mind to try to understand the results of the experiment... :)


Sergei (Neutron), it's obvious that many people who hang out here play their games, which they are interested in. Even if there is no mercantile return from these games or it is only possible in the very distant future - and that under very specific conditions.

Well, for example, I myself, judging by my profile, play the game "there is nograil, all believers fupot!", and my nickname is Skeptic Filozov. In theory, I should not make any attempt to find the grail, because I said that I do not believe in this nonsense. However, at least half of the time I spend on the internet is spent browsing this forum. And about the same amount of my free time I still spend searching uselessly for the same object.

I guess it's just more interesting to live that way.

Back in the 1930s, doctors in Great Britain laughed at the suggestion to wash their hands before a medical procedure,
- they're doctors, they took an oath, what kind of contagion is that?)
Back in the 30's of the 20th century physicists were buying uranium in a photoshop))) for experiments, you know in what form.
30 years ago they gave up on nuclear fratricide because of the supposed uniqueness and supposed uniqueness of life on Earth.
Newly discovered celestial bodies were tried to be given a ménage à trois of good people.
And now astronomers see 4,000 galaxies, each with 100 billion stars on the square of a postage stamp.
и ... names of good people are not enough to give names even to galaxies))))
and as for quantum magic (the exact definition of +1 to Mathematic) this branch,
the idea is not only workable, but also ...
the company of 08 Prizmal (Israel) is going to buy a satellite to see something,
and we do not have such a possibility to monitor from the satellite, we will take the basic science - funny situation?
"there are 4,000 galaxies in the postage stamp area" might be funny too,
but it's a way of defining the solid angle in observational astronomy.
- meaning a postage stamp on an observer's outstretched hand sets the solid angle
Mathemat >> :

Sergei (Neutron), it's obvious that many people who hang out here play their games, which they are interested in. Even if there is no mercantile return from these games or it is only possible in the very distant future - and that under very specific conditions.

Well, for example, I myself, judging by my profile, play the game "there is no grail, all believers fupot!", and my nickname is Sceptic Filozov. In theory, I should not make any attempt to find the grail, because I said that I do not believe in this nonsense. However, at least half of the time I spend on the internet is spent browsing this forum. And about the same amount of my free time I still spend searching uselessly for the same object.

I guess it's just more interesting to live that way.

Why should I believe? :)

You have to work and not be afraid to test even the craziest ideas... :)

Faith can only help as a psychological incentive not to give up...


I mentioned an anecdote here, but didn't tell it. It's probably bad form. I'll tell it in my own words.

"He liked everything, but noticed that the farmer called his horse by other people's names three times. To this observation the farmer replied:

- 'You see, my horse is blind, and if he knew for sure that he was the only one who should pull the cart, he wouldn't even try.