Quantum trading system - page 34

Neutron писал(а) >>

It is sometimes impossible to convey them to a child due to their limited conceptual apparatus and authoritarian methods have to be used.

You are very wrong about the limited "conceptual apparatus" of children, well, or hereditary factors:)

Integer, how old are you?
Neutron писал(а) >>

I declare with full responsibility that "in general" this is not the case.

Although in private cases, it is not excluded, but I would not bet on private events.

I have worked 20 years in a science and I know about what I speak, often the author of idea - any research assistant can't be even seen in the report under names of professors.

nen >> :

Where did you read that I meant me? I mean the situation. There are people here who are literally being bullied. And it's not just in this thread.

And everywhere, in every thread, that's what's going on.

And the situation is always about this. Always. Not just on the forums.


HideYourRichess, unfortunately, this is often the case.

Let's at least keep our homes clean and tidy... Let's grow flowers near our own house. Maybe the neighbours will come along...

Neutron писал(а) >>
How old are you?

What for? To justify? >> I'm a shishteen year old.

Neutron >> :

gip, to some extent we have to trust each other's opinions, but check. <...>

I suggest that we think before we say something and, having said something, give an intelligible justification for what we have said.

There, golden words. Don't be so authoritarian... And don't press the child, teach him to be reasonable. Although it takes great patience...


As always, in every topic, it all comes down to a personality dispute.

Words are the wind, you can't catch them. Actions are history.


Neutron, in my opinion you still haven't figured out where the signal is in this thread and are attacking the noise. In the same way I can state that in my opinion your traditional statistical methods of market research are primitive and lead only to the loss of the deposit. Neither you nor I provide any arguments to defend your position. Generally speaking, by creating this thread I meant not the application of mathematical methods of quantum physics to the market, but a search for and application of the phenomenon of quantum entanglement to a choice of the world, in which my system _always_ wins. It's not about selling it to anyone and taking money. If you've noticed I don't take money from anyone on this forum and I'm not in the business of peddling my mega-advice. My task was to show, at least for the time being, a hypothetical way of creating a wish-fulfillment machine.

Mechanical Ball of Gold.

Judging by your posts, you are still looking for a strictly scientific traditional way to conquer the market.

I wish you good luck in that.


let's think about "finding and applying the phenomenon of quantum entanglement to choose a world in which my system _always_ wins"

if that's what this thread is about, not about you-know-what.

if the idea seems unreal to someone, don't stop the participants of this idea from reaching this idea themselves

you do not care about the time of others, besides, in the search for it, you always learn a lot of useful things for yourself.