Quantum trading system - page 9

BARS >> :

And we have all sorts of things, both parallel and longitudinal and transverse ... )))

OK, bye!!!

I suggest this is the end of the subjectless chitchat, it's getting boring...

Say hello to your brothers in science (like roommates)!!!

Good luck!

Mathemat писал(а) >>

Perhaps in the state Schrodinger's cat is in, there are no such things as "back and forth" or even time. So they're very much uncoordinated there...

but they've got backs, so you can bend them and comb their backs.

sol писал(а) >>

So my opponent's argument boils down to the fact that we don't know what and how, and therefore it makes no sense to think about it.

I would like to argue that we do know a little bit about what and how. There are experiments that show the non-locality of events and several KM interpretations that explain the results of these experiments.

For myself, I see the direction in creation of a separate quantum system between the order-executing terminal and the data and quotes system passing to the analyzer. The system analyzer and the system executing orders and processing quotes should be isolated from each other in such a way that information between them is transferred only by means of separate photons. Further, an attempt could be made to create an experimental model with boxes according to Aaron's system, creating an intertemporal communication system by Kramer's method.

At present, our technical means (computers, communication systems, etc.) are too primitive to implement such projects. It is available for individual person, with some training (to look into future, into parallel world), but it will not be possible to transfer this information automatically to TC. Besides, if we talk about a parallel world, it is not quite what fiction writers draw us, or rather not at all. There is an etheric plane - the causal world, it is a prototype of our world, all that we have here is materialized in our physical world by matrixes formed in this dimension. The lower layers of the etheric plane completely correspond to our world, but as it is primordial in relation to us, events in it occur earlier than we see and realize them in the physical dimension, as it takes some time to materialize them, and this time is different for different events. In general, time, like space, is multidimensional. And our habit of determining time by a clock face is not always objective. Two people, one age faster, the other slower, each has its own biorhythm, its own time, and this time can accelerate, can slow down, and can reverse, and so in all objects under certain conditions. Time machines can be built on this principle. Those interested can read works of professor Kozyrev from Pulkovo Observatory, who devoted his life to studying time.

As for trading, it is possible to look into future, there are several ways.

1). Create an expert system, on the basis of available hardware and software, which would predict the market trends.

2). To develop a high sensitivity to the market energies, and connecting consciously or unconsciously to the market egregore, to feel the direction of these energies at the moment of tendencies emergence, and it will be long before it will affect the terminal. How to develop this, I wrote about it in the article "Is it possible to predict the forex market".

3). To develop their spiritual forces that are inherent in everyone, but not everyone is aware of them, much less knows how to use them. Specifically, to engage in disclosing the third eye, it will make it possible not only to see the past and future, including the market dynamics, but will open many other opportunities sleeping in us, allow us to see the subtle worlds and communicate with their inhabitants.

4). To develop our ability to leave the physical body in the etheric body and go to the etheric plane, see the events that occur there, return to the physical body and make appropriate decisions before these events had time to materialize in this dimension. By the way, this ability is not as unique as it seems, and everyone uses it in their sleep, you just have to learn to do it consciously in the ordinary state.

I must warn you though, you have to be very responsible and cautious when developing these abilities, especially when leaving the body. By mastering these abilities one plunges into completely different worlds, with their own laws and inhabitants, and by not understanding that, one may get a lot of trouble, which will have an effect on the physical plane as well. And inhabitants of these worlds, especially of the lower planes of astral, through which one has to pass in order to enter the etheric plane, are not always benevolent and of a dark nature.

In general, development of these abilities may greatly enrich one's life and broaden one's creative abilities. Let me give one example from my own life. At the beginning of 90s, I had an idea to create a new type of power installation, which uses the resonance principle of neutrino streams penetrating the whole universe, for generating energy. The ideas and principles of constructing this installation did not come to me by accident, it is possible to say, I remembered them from the long-forgotten past. From past lives, from the time of Atlantis, I still have scraps of memory of what I was doing back then. I started to make mock-ups of resonators, but the work progressed badly, it was difficult to choose materials and accurately calculate the construction, and there was not enough time; the main activity then was business. Then I decided to build models on the etheric plane; it was easy to change the material and the construction, just by changing the visualization of the object. I could not visualise the model and its work at the same time and observe the results of the work, the processes that take place in the model. I invited my friend who had clairvoyance ability to observe the process of work of the model on the etheric plane and to tell me what changes when I made changes in the resonator construction. It was enough just to visually change the form of the resonator, as the spectrum of energy it produced and the directionality of the radiation changed. There was one moment when my friend screamed frightened, asking me to stop, because the resonator, when I made another change, began to emit hard X-rays around her, and this made her sick. Unfortunately we have conducted such experiments only three times, and I did not have time to work out all the construction, and most importantly to select the material that would correspond to the earth, her teacher forbade her to participate in the experiments, saying that if she continued, it would die. Then the crisis of '92-'93 started and I had no time for these experiments. The example shows how much time and money such methods would have saved if the employees of design bureaus had mastered them. If anyone wants to develop clairvoyance and visualization abilities, I advise to read books: "The Third Eye" by Sakhorov, various meditation techniques described by Osho, the book "Course of Alchemy" by Saint-Germain. There are a lot of different esoteric books now, you can pick up something appropriate, not like in the beginning of 70-s when I started to do this kind of things, they would put you in jail for such books and experiments.

I feel like a Neanderthal, people here are already broadcasting quanta of psychic energy, and I'm all if (), and if ().
Piligrimm писал(а) >>

In the early 90s, I had an idea to create a new type of energy installation which would use the resonance principle of neutrino streams penetrating the whole universe to generate energy. From past lives, from the times of Atlantis, I still have scraps of memory of that time. I started making mock-ups of resonators...

And I feel like an idiot!

I wonder what that's about?

Piligrimm >> :

At present, our technical means (computers, communication systems, etc.) are too primitive to implement such projects. This is available at ....................... books and experiments planted.

Great joke - loved it

Piligrimm >> :

There was a moment when my acquaintance cried out frightenedly for me to stop, as the resonator, when making another change, began to emit hard X-rays around her and this made her sick.

Material from Wikipedia, the free encyclopaedia

Orgasm (Greek ὀργασμός from ὀργάω - from moisture, burning with passion) is the culmination of sexual arousal associated with a strong sense of pleasure and satisfaction.

the author of the joke is a bit late.
there is a description of a successful trader who used a homemade plastic bottle phone to communicate with the cosmos.
There was no mobile phone in those days, and his colleagues in the trading pit laughed a lot at the fact that the phone had no cable,
and, as a side question, how did the former Atlantean find himself in the land of Atlantist opponents?)

I read on the spider how one forum member described a trader he knew, said to be successful, who said he creates his own movements...

That is, he does not predict, but rather creates his own reality, where the currency goes in the direction he wants... :)

creation >> :

I read on the spider how one forum member described a trader he knew, said to be successful, who said that he creates his own movements...

That is, he does not predict, but rather creates his own reality, where the currency goes in the direction he wants... :)

This trader's last name is Bernanke.