Quantum trading system - page 29


Дебильность – легкая степень. При дебильности имеет место конкретный уровень мышления, затруднение абстрагирования....

Медицинская психология. – (Методические указания). /Автор-составитель Т. П. Пушкина. – Новосибирск: Научно-учебный центр психологии НГУ, 1996.

kosa писал(а) >>

But here's an article on the subject: Dark Energy

The article is good, written in popular, accessible language and does not contradict anything.

...myself as a student helped teacher to develop exactly quantum physics, and all their discoveries usually come from complex calculations, not observations...

This is true, but for the time being there comes the moment when deductions of another hypothesis must be confirmed by direct experiment or indirectly (through proven links between observed phenomena). Thus a new theory arises or the existing one is supplemented. It is for this purpose, in Europe, the Large Hadron Collider is being built - to check in practice what theorists have counted and to choose from thousands of possible scenarios of the picture of the world, the only one - corresponding to reality.

By the way, Einstein's GTR, is not something really revolutionary - disproving everything that science has used until then. It is a superstructure over the existing theory, in particular GRT includes Newtonian mechanics as a special case at low speeds (compared to the speed of light) and does not disprove Isaac, but only supplements it.

Integer wrote(a) >>Delirium is a mild degree. With retardation there is a specific level of thinking, difficulty in abstracting....

Medical Psychology. - (Methodical instructions). /Writer-composer T.P. Pushkina. - Novosibirsk: The Scientific and Educational Center of Psychology of the Novosibirsk State University, 1996.

Peculiarities of thinking in schizophrenia.

A characteristic feature of thinking of patients with schizophrenia is that impairment at the level of concepts does not exclude relative preservation of formal-logical connections. It is not a disintegration of the concepts but a distortion of the process of generalization, when the patients have a multitude of random, non-directed associations reflecting extremely general connections.

Experiments have shown that, compared to healthy controls, patients are better at identifying stimuli that are less expected, and worse at identifying stimuli that are more expected. As a result, the vagueness and vagueness of the patients' thinking is noted, which leads to impaired mental functioning in schizophrenia. These patients do not distinguish significant essential connections between objects and phenomena, they actualize excessively-general, not reflecting the real reality, often weak, casual, formal signs.

Patients may choose an image inadequate to the content of the concept, may suggest an empty, emasculated, meaningless set of objects, pseudo-abstract images devoid of content in themselves, or a part, a fragment of a situation, etc.

Neutron >> :

You see, grasn, what happens when you playfully open the veil of Ignorance, woven by the hands of Mercy, from the Great Mystery - you give birth to Entities and they begin to surround you, becoming the Meaning...

Our scientific Seryoga, I'm sorry, but while you are writing bullshit, you haven't made a single reasonable argument (except sputtering about schizophrenia, that's a kind of joke) and you're teasing the man rather ineptly. What do you care what he uses and how he uses it? I'm a big fan of a good joke and I've kept my mouth shut.

Applying the principles of the 'quantum' approach is possible, there is nothing mythical or unapplicable about it, it's quite understandable, and if it turns out that the probability of a 'price' system staying at its levels behaves like a wave, is that bad? Once again, for you I will do it, why using Fibo, divergence, your favourite NS and other (I cannot list everything) is not schizophrenic, while the quantum approach (in my interpretation I described it) is schizophrenic? In that case I can state anything about you, completely without proof and the top of idiocy (you will recognize the prototype behaviour) yet demand from you to explain why you are schizophrenic. In my astrolabe I use basic components of a nonlinear stochastic control system with a fixed structure, quite successfully, I debug it, I trade a bit already, I even risked in the topic "testing systems in real time" to show it. Here is, for example, an initial vector of probability of system states for 15 minutes now at 100 counts ahead:

Control systems with fixed and random structure are used also for approaching spaceships, but these systems "one-to-one" certainly cannot be applied to forex, so what? And who prevents you from thinking before writing a complete X? And what is applicable, you knowledgeable one? Your NS, which is nothing but filter theory, is also generally not applicable to forex. Or do you think that you are not mistaken and have never made any wrong conclusions and you haven't been caught? Remind me again, you were called a nutcase in your threads, I don't remember that, and you don't think you had a reason to turn it in? :о))))

PS: Existence of a dark matter is simply proved, its quantity is counted, now people are interested in what it is made of. To cut a long story short, I apologize colleagues, but it is a pity to waste time and answer bullshit for bullshit (and I can't help answering, people whom I respect are empty :o), so it's goodbye to all for a while :o).

grasn >> :

PS: Existence of dark matter is simply proved, its quantity is counted, now people knowing are interested in what it is made of. To cut it short, I apologize colleagues, but it is nadoely to lose time, to answer bullshit on bullshit (and I can't help answering, people whom I respect are pusut :o), so for some time to all it is goodbye :o).

I suggest not to get into personalities, but to check the theory of quantum system in practice (if possible), using probabilistic approach, which takes place.

Second hard question: How to use this already in the code?

grasn >> :

the use of Fibo, divergence, your favourite NS and others (you can't list them all) is not schizo, it's a quantum approach

No need to invent new essences where there are none. It is not a quantum approach - it is only banal mathematical statistics.

HideYourRichess >> :

There is no need to invent new entities where there are none. It's not a quantum approach - it's just simple mathematical statistics.

>> "quantum approach" is also a statics, and a significant part of it :o)

HideYourRichess >> :

There is no need to invent new entities where there are none. It's not a quantum approach - it's just simple mathematical statistics.

What do you mean "No need to invent new entities"? Where is the line of development and what is it for then?

grasn >> :

The "quantum approach" is also static, and a big part of it :o)

Not quite. There is a difference which gives rise to two separate scientific disciplines, with their own names. And that is why in the marketplace it is better to use the terms mat statistics rather than quantum theory.

kosa >> :

What do you mean by "No need to invent new entities"? Where is the line of development and why is it needed then?

Everything has already been invented before you. >> that's one. >> Two. Read about Occam's Razor.

grasn >> :

The "quantum approach" is also static, and a big part of it :o)


let's check at least the most simplified model in this direction, it's already 29 pages and only drools, but the topic is interesting)