Quantum trading system - page 7

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On the topic of the thread http://quantumtrading.ru

all the original designs, as well as a description of this construction and approach, can still be found here:


seriously, who Boris Groshev and all sorts of clever quantums are is unknown to me and to us (the developers of these approaches). our developments are free, probably someone who read onyx decided to make a quiet buck off the uninformed audience. as a result, we talked to each other, the reaction was: we do not care, let them cut, as long as they understand it.

everything we read and offered as a service and commodity to the "quantum" caused a lot of laughter in the team. it was also funny to look at last year's graphics and analysis of the aforementioned "author".

i think it's a matter of poverty, and it's a sin to judge too harshly.

one of the indicators is here:



xrust >> :

Fuck him ! )))) don't start a fucking game...

We're going to get banned again by the admin. Hello from Andy!

I come here for a little fun.

Every day is hilarious.

Nothing serious.

sol >> :

The phenomenon of retrocausality will help scientists solve one of the biggest mysteries of modern physics: Why can one particle instantly affect another, even if they are in different parts of the galaxy? Although the theory of relativity tells us that it is impossible to move faster than the speed of light. Recent experiments, however, prove that one particle can instantly influence another particle, no matter where it is located. In turn, physicists argue that this is just an involuntary upward or downward movement of a particle. There's no communication between them. But if you consider the phenomenon of retrocausality, it can be explained quite easily. One of the particles can send a wave back down the timeline to the point when the particle pair was created. The signal would not need to travel faster than light; it could simply repeat the path taken by the first particle through space-time, returning to the place where the two particles first emitted their impulses into space-time. There a wave from the first particle could interact with the second particle without violating the theory of relativity.In this example we see how easily the phenomenon of retrocausality explained this phenomenon.

In June 2006, at the American Association for the Advancement of Science conference, Kramer proposed an experiment that could be a test of this kind of phenomenon as "retrocausality". It combines the "double-section waves and particles" experiment with other mysterious phenomena of quantum physics in an attempt to send a signal back in time.



I realise how far away this is from traders, but the thought of trying to create a quantum trading system never leaves me.

Why quantum?

Why don't we just say quark - because they make quanta - and look, if the collider goes off, they'll split quarks too...


а смотри коллайдер запустят - то и кварки расщепят

There is little specificity. By definition a quark is a hypothetical elementary particle. That is, the constancy of existence must be proved, and then "split".


Why - hasn't it been proven - Sayfuji - you are behind however


It's a bloody mess out there! Proven one day, doubts the next... new hypotheses... overproven... science :)

Zet1972 >> :

Why quantum?

Maybe let's go straight to quark - after all, quarks are made of them - and look, a collider will be launched - they will split quarks too...

In this case we are talking about using laws of quantum mechanics, namely entanglement, to create certain conditions that allow us to get an advantage in comparison with classical methods of analysis. And what will be used for this - electrons, photons, ions, Bose-Einstein condensates, neutrino beams, dark matter or buckyballs - is a matter of specific physical implementation.

It is possible that, as previously written, randomness itself can be used as a quantum medium.

sol >> :

In this case, it is a question of using the laws of quantum mechanics, namely entanglement, to create certain conditions that allow us to gain an advantage over classical methods of analysis. And what will be used for this - electrons, photons, ions, Bose-Einstein condensates, neutrino beams, dark matter or buckyballs - is already a matter of specific physical implementation.

It is possible that, as previously written, randomness itself can be used as a quantum medium.

О! I get it - because as I recall - the nature of gravitons is still unresolved - let's put the emphasis on gravity :)

Zet1972 >> :

О! I understand - because as I remember - still the nature of gravitons is not solved - let's put emphasis on gravitation :)

I like photons better. They are easier to work with. At least I have found suppliers of single photon sources, single photon detectors, filters for polarisation, crystals for creating entangled photons - and most of the experiments described deal exactly with photons.

sol писал(а) >>

I like photons better. They are easier to work with. At least I found suppliers of single photon sources, single photon detectors, filters for polarisation, crystals for creating entangled photons - and most of described experiments deal exactly with photons.

And what do they look like in the MT4 terminal? show me, please.....