Crisis: Don't we care? - page 69

Mischek >> :

Can I ask you a question - do you dislike America or Americans and why?

1. it is not my job to love america

2. >> I don't like America because I have no reason to.

3. I don't like Americans - I'm not attracted to them.

>> 4. don't like american women

Yurixx >> :

I have no need to prove anything to you. You have every right to doubt anything and not trust any statement. As is usually the case in science, whoever wants to establish a fact should do it themselves, rather than pestering everyone to "prove it to me".

I could link to the source, but you have already started sputtering and I don't like to communicate on that level.

Judging by your reactions, you are sitting in America after all. So you have every reason to be happy. >> congratulations.

Making idiots out of dozens (hundreds?) of respectable people is your level of communication. Someone in this trinity has already tried to elevate themselves by shitting on me. You've gone much further by shitting on Nobel laureates, now you have every reason to be happy, congratulations.

Mischek >> :

Can I ask you a question: do you hate America or Americans and why?

Oh, what the hell about America... It's much more interesting why people hate facts. Any delusional urban legend goes down a treat, but the facts immediately become pro-American propaganda.

Well, we (Baltics) don't much like Russia either - for obvious reasons. But they don't have much sympathy for America either - except for the top brass, and that only because of the quid and as a potential deterrent force. A friend working in St. Petersburg told me that Putin is feared in Russia more than Lukashenko in the BSSR (at the business level - as if you do not speak out against him, your partners quickly turn away). I am afraid that governing methods in Russia are not much different from those in the United States (Volgodonsk - Chechnya - Nordost - Georgia...). There is simply no one in Russia to make such a movie, and there are enough specialists in the KGB. Maybe I shouldn't be writing here - now you're going to run amok :)
Mischek писал(а) >>

Can I ask you a question - do you dislike America or Americans and why?

I have a very neutral attitude towards America, I understand its formation and history and I find everything that happens there quite natural and logical.

I have the same attitude towards Americans as I have towards Germans, Frenchmen, Englishmen, Zimbabweans, Sri Lankans and others. We are all human and that says it all.

I don't like the human stupidity that mythologises America, presents it as "heaven on earth", but I dislike even more the stupidity that does all this without bothering to address the facts, turning a blind eye to them, being scared of everything that contradicts this myth. This is absolutely identical to Soviet hurrah-patriotism, which also turned a blind eye to a lot of things and has always disgusted me too.

Though, on the other hand, there are not so many people who can think for themselves, have enough erudition, own analysis and opinion too. But that doesn't mean that the rest of us should swallow the explanations of duty "analysts", look every laureate in the mouth, and consider our president as the vicar of God on earth. It is primitive, shameful. A man's head is not only given to him to eat in it.

For example, Nobel Prize winners Merton and Scholes received the prize in 1997 for development of mathematical models of derivatives. Those same derivatives like CDOs and CDS, of which the great pyramid scheme was built with the blessing of the FED and the state. CDOs started to collapse in 2007 and eventually CDS followed in 2008. Another Nobel laureate Stiglitz at one time criticised this construction and warned of its dangers. So who is the smart one and who is the laureate ?

The correct answer is all clever and all laureates. It is not about them at all, as some have already thought. They only developed the models, for which they got their money. It is about those who misused these models. It's the same as nuclear power. Einstein and company did science (not to be confused with models, by the way). And then they also wrote a letter to the government about atomic weapons. The order to bomb Hiroshima and Nagasaki was given by others, and then, moreover, when there was no need to do it. And bombs were dropped by others.

timbo писал(а) >>

To indiscriminately make idiots out of dozens (hundreds?) of respected people is your level of communication.

You know, Timbo, even you, despite your profanity, I haven't made an idiot out of you here. Much less Nobel laureates.

All your fecal terminology, all your anger has only one reason: I dared to encroach on the holy of holies - the American model of the world order. That is indeed a fact. As well as the fact that the cause and source of the global financial, and hence economic crisis, is the USA. I understand that it pains you to realize it, but as a man and as a man that has the courage to face facts, I believe you can do it.

Yurixx >> :

You know, Timbo, I didn't even make you look like an idiot here, despite your profanity. Much less a Nobel laureate.

You said, and I quote: "The very scheme developed and justified by all sorts of Nobel Prize winners, developers of mathematical models of famous derivatives, justifiers that crisis is impossible." The thesis that crisis is impossible is idiotic by definition, to attribute an idiotic statement to a third person is to make him look like an idiot.

From your phrase it follows:

1. there are many such idiots among Nobel laureates, which, as you later admitted, is a lie. According to your own words there was only one. That is, you deliberately insulted people you don't know and respect.

2. you have not provided evidence that even that one won a nobel prize for arguing the impossibility of crisis.


Я привлек в свой отдел молодого математика из Массачусетского Технологического института, доктора Надипурама Прасада, и выделил ему бюджет. В течение шести месяцев он развивал марковские методы для эконометрического моделирования. Вместе мы выпустили в свет серию научных статей, которые представляли марковские методы революционым прорывом в предсказаниях влияния инвестиций в инфаструктуру на экономическое развитие.

This was exactly what we needed: a tool which scientifically "proved" the rightness of our actions in swamping countries with debts they could never repay. Besides, only a highly qualified econometrician with plenty of time and money could have grasped the maze of Markovian methods or questioned the conclusions drawn from them. We have published papers in several prestigious publications and presented them at conferences and universities in many countries. Our papers have gained renown in the industry.


John Perkins
Confessions of an Economic Killer

Oh - Timbo - come on. There are many examples of awarding a prize - and then it turns out that the theses were wrong. You asked Juric for proof - he put it out there - then admit that you are wrong in this case - and you're clinging to words again. Don't twist things around.
Yurixx >> :

For example, Nobel laureates Merton and Scholes received the prize in 1997 for developing mathematical models of financial derivatives. The same derivatives like CDOs and CDS which, with the blessing of the FED and the government, were used to build the great pyramid scheme. CDOs started to collapse in 2007 and eventually CDS followed in 2008. Another Nobel laureate Stiglitz at one time criticised this construction and warned of its dangers. So who is the clever one and who is the laureate ?

The specificity of the Nobel prizes in science is that they are given much later than a discovery is made or a work is done. The Nobel committee waits for time to show whether a discovery is really significant or not. CDOs have been on the market for over 20 years and have been used successfully in finance. It is a great tool that has served and continues to serve people and the economy well. For the last 5 years there has been a skew in their use, there have been many mistakes and kinks. This has led to serious problems.

Some time ago I did a research on different types of CDOs and the causes of the sub-prime crisis. The real reasons go back to the Twin Towers tragedy. Nobody has ever said that a crisis is impossible. On the contrary, the current crisis is a delayed crisis from 2001. The U.S. was able to extinguish and prevent that crisis, but it has reverberated today.

I am waiting for you to give me the facts about the laureate who proved the idiotic idea that the crisis is impossible, or take it back.