Crisis: Don't we care? - page 67

Figar0 >> :
But if you think about what mankind has out of significant and practically demanded, for many years to come, it is energy. A utopian idea has emerged - to provide money with energy) 1 rouble - 1 kW. When you think about it, energy for humanity is everything, and heat, and fresh water, and production of all other goods. Isn't it a strong point? Of course it is funny, I am smiling myself, but it is fresh in my mind, I have not yet thought about such a support. :)

Problems with energy storage. There's no way to build up a rainy day reserve. And it's not going to be easy to transport.

Figar0 >> :
I too tend to think that gold is a vestige, a relic of the Middle Ages. The importance of gold is primarily psychological and at the same time it is overblown. Its practical application is very limited. Just another shiny bubble. But if you think about what mankind has out of meaningful and practically reclaimed, for many years to come, is energy. Utopian idea to provide money with energy) 1 rouble - 1 kW. When you think about it, energy for humanity is everything, and heat, and fresh water, and production of all other goods. Isn't it a strong point? Of course it is funny, I am smiling myself, but it is fresh in my mind, I have not yet thought about such a support. :)

Power and telecom services cannot be stored

a more real asset of knowledge/technology, at least it can be put on a flash drive and put in your wallet)

it is better than batteries in a wallet or containers of californium (the world's most expensive chemical element)Калифорний


How to get out of the crisis, and even on a global scale, is a good question.

However, all the reasoning expressed here on this forum is child's play. Forgive me, guys, I do not want to offend anyone. The question is more than serious, and to argue about it at the level of "one brilliant idea to quickly solve everything" I think is simply not worth it. The gathering in Davos was also eager to hear the solution. And? Only resounding phrases and empty appeals. And no one (!!!) could offer anything (!!!) sensible. So the entire outcome of the gathering was pessimism and depression.

And why? Well, because all those who claim to know the recipe in no way, well, at all, can not go beyond the standard scheme of thinking. The very same scheme that has been imposed by the last decades of implementation of the American model of financial and economic system. The same scheme that has been developed and justified by all kinds of Nobel Prize winners, the developers of mathematical models of famous derivatives, the justification that the crisis is impossible. The very scheme that led to this crisis.

The trick, and some people here already know this, is that the world is not going to be the same as it was before the crisis. You cannot go back to the American model, which is still alive but already in decline. And no one has been able to propose a new paradigm of financial and economic order yet. Probably because all efforts are focused on how to return to the old one.

Yurixx >> :

.... And no one has yet been able to propose a new paradigm for the financial and economic system. Probably because all efforts are focused on getting back to the old one.

Free money was invented so long ago that it has been forgotten...

Or is it that they don't remember it on purpose? You can lose power over the world with an unconventional approach. Isn't it...?

timbo писал(а) >>

The petrol thing is very vivid, but completely wrong, in the style of Channel One TV.

A financial crisis is a total distrust of each other by market participants, when banks stop lending to each other and to anyone at all, because no one knows who will collapse next. The government of all normal countries gives money to banks at minimal interest rates (almost 0% now) - let them work, provide all payments, cheap credit to anyone who is ready to develop / expand / build something.

The economic crisis is a shutdown of production.

Governments give money to industries that are losing sales and jobs, take the money and do something, introduce new models, build new facilities, keep workers busy, don't lay them off.

Governments give money to states and municipalities for infrastructure projects which in normal economic conditions they would not be able to organise. Take the money and build roads, bridges, hospitals. Everything is cheaper now, plenty of manpower, take advantage of the moment, build everything you have dreamed of for the last 50 years, create new jobs.

Governments stimulate the economy as much as they can to keep it moving. Without money the economy will go into hibernation altogether.

And you seem to be getting your information from other sources. Probably from channel 1 tv in the U.S.? Those high school maxims in your quote are just on that level.

I got that impression after reading on this thread how devoutly, faithfully, and trustingly you defend Americans. Truly, they are your last hope. I even got the impression that you live there. Especially the debt and stock thing is very American.

I have a precedent to judge by. My cousin went to the US 20 years ago. He didn't see anything good there during that time. To this day he still struggles to exist. But he is such an American patriot - holier than the Pope. He talks about terrorism, democracy, human rights, and other standard bullshit just like on TV. And he believes sacredly that the Towers, and Iraq, and drugs in Afghanistan, and all the nastiness that is done to them in America itself is a libel and slander of the enemies of the United States. But here was a sensible, free-thinking, critical and, most importantly, soberly assessing the situation.

If you add to this other information, it turns out that our immigrants have two choices there: if you want to be yourself, you must sooner or later get out of there. If you want to live in this heavenly country, you have to become an ass, who cannot even think, and not only speak, but think anything.

Zhunko писал(а) >>

With an unconventional approach, you can lose power over the world. Isn't that so...?

Yes, that is an essential point. That is why everyone who serves big business, including economists and politicians, is afraid to even look in that direction. But that will not help. The dilemma is simple, either the destruction of civilisation or another paradigm of social structure.

Yurixx >> :

And you seem to be getting your information from other sources. Probably from Channel 1 TV USA? Those high school sentiments in your quote are just on that level.

I got that impression after reading on this thread how devoutly, faithfully, and trustingly you defend Americans. Truly, they are your last hope. I even got the impression that you live there. Especially the debt and stock thing is very American.

I have a precedent to judge by. My cousin went to the US 20 years ago. He didn't see anything good there during that time. To this day he still struggles to exist. But he is such an American patriot - holier than the Pope. He talks about terrorism, democracy, human rights, and other standard bullshit just like on TV. And he believes sacredly that the Towers, and Iraq, and drugs in Afghanistan, and all the nastiness that is done to them in America itself is a libel and slander of the enemies of the United States. But here was a sensible, free-thinking, critical and, most importantly, soberly assessing the situation.

If you add to this other information, it turns out that our immigrants have two choices there: if you want to be yourself, you must sooner or later get out of there. If you want to live in this heavenly country, you have to become a bum, who cannot even think, and not only speak, but cannot speak at all, except for TV channels.

To draw such global conclusions from your view of your brother's fate is brave.

I am too lazy to waste my time talking about my acquaintances and I am very long, in short - there is no way back.

Just in case - I am neither for America nor against America.

these for boys, these for girls - it's a kindergarten

cabluk писал(а) >>

electricity as well as communication services cannot be stored

timbo wrote >>

Problems with energy storage. It will not be possible to stockpile energy for a rainy day. And transportation is not so easy either.

And why should we store energy in our pockets or for a rainy day? The same banknotes are stored and transported, but the state only provides the issuer with a certain amount of energy. At the moment they are not backed by anything, unless GDP is conditional and implicit, which is one of the reasons of the global crisis.... From the pluses: the value of money is tied to real and demanded commodities; it is even possible to tie the entire money supply to real collateral, serious energy (at least its production) is still almost universally controlled by the state and the transition to the money-energy nexus is feasible; any good or service can be adequately evaluated in energy (at least according to energy consumption); the state mutual settlements can be easily organized; the currencies of all industrially developed countries acquire the same status - at once I can probably think of many other advantages...

That is, the rates of national currencies would not be fixed or we ourselves would be out of work and would give a shit to MQ) It`s OK, the stock should not be affected, and we speculators do not really care what we work with as long as the conditions are stable. Surely there are more disadvantages, and perhaps problems which make the idea simply unrealistic, even hypothetically. Otherwise, bright minds from the economy or energetics would have suggested the world community where the way to the future is...... But as long as perpetual motion machine has not been invented, the idea has the right to life, gold and the 21st century do not go together well, a step forward is necessary. And gold should be left for jewelers, numismatists and fashionistas.

Although of course there should be an opinion of more serious economists than we (and certainly more serious than me :)), and a more serious study. Although something like this may have already been thought about somewhere and at high levels, I have not heard, but not too keenly interested. It's just a hobby of mine - to solve the problems of the global economy).

Z.I. If the idea takes root, the global community owes me a bottle of Balvenie, which is how much it cost me to come up with the idea.)

Yurixx wrote(a) >>

The Davos gathering also wanted to hear the solution. And? Only rhetoric and empty calls. And no one (!!!) could offer anything (!!!) sensible. So the entire outcome of the gathering was pessimism and depression.

And why? Well, because all applicants for the prescription can not go well beyond the standard scheme of thinking.

So we are that very contingent unencumbered by standard thinking schemes. If experts show off their hands, it's time for dilettantes to get down to business) I would like to hope that the way out is still there...


It's useless to provide, it's the same gold standard but from the side.

Fixed rates have failed...

Now the floating ones might fail.

Have you tried it yet?

Like in the EEC ;)

BARS >> :

It's useless to provide, it's the same gold standard but from the side.

Fixed rates have failed...

Now the floating ones might fail.

Have you tried it yet?

Like in the EEC ;)

orderly anarchy :)