Crisis: Don't we care? - page 26

BARS писал (а) >>

Well,there's duk*****,they've got $50,000 or more in deposits.

And then there's S**O, who starts at $2k. So 2k on top of 50k is a mini)))

S**O used to have 10k and up.

YuraZ >> :

>> S**O used to have from 10k

And now from 2k. Forex broker works with them, there's a $200 minimum, 10k lot of base currency, i.e. 0,1 lot :)


Two speculators meet:

-I can't sleep with this crisis.

-and I sleep like a baby.

- How so?

-Yes, every hour I wake up and cry !!!!


At the office, a broker comes to the window:

-Snow is falling.

A shout from the hall:

-Is it falling? BUYING!


To dispel the pessimistic mood, here are some anecdotes about the crisis ))))

1. Two bosses meet:
- Do you give your wages?
- No.
- And I don't. Do they still go to work?
- They do.
- So do mine. Maybe we should charge admission.
They're charging admission. A week goes by.
- You guys still going to work?
- Yeah, they're saving money.
- ?!
- They come in on Monday and leave on Friday...

2. A banker's wife decides to surprise her husband at work. When she arrived, she saw the secretary sitting on her husband's lap. Without blinking an eye, her husband starts dictating, "In conclusion, I would like to say that even in conditions of financial crisis, one chair for two in my office is not enough!"

3. Conversation at the bank:
- You know, I want to do a small business...
- Well, buy a big one and just wait a bit.

4. Autumn day 2010, six in the morning. Two janitors meet. One looks intently at the other.
- You look so familiar!
- And I've seen you somewhere... What bank did you work in?

5. - So, on your CV you write that you were a pianist in a brothel.
- Hmm, I was actually a banker, but I don't really want to advertise it.

6. What is an optimist? It's a banker who, on Sunday, irons five shirts for the week ahead.

7. A company director decided to give a £50 prize for the best idea to save the organisation's money from a credit crunch. The award went to a young employee who proposed cutting his bonuses to £10.

8.An architect, a surgeon and an economist discuss the creation of the world. The surgeon says: "We surgeons are more important than everyone else. God is the surgeon because the first thing he did was remove Eve from Adam's rib." The architect says, "No, God is the architect because he created the world in seven days out of chaos." The economist says, "Well, who invented chaos?"


I have a good acquaintance who was educated together. He has been trading on the stock exchange since 1992 - on EWP. He must already have some sense of the market. Here is a fragment of an ICQ conversation with him (I changed his nickname). Please don't panic and read the post above from LeoV more often.

xxxx (16:14):
Hi, Leoha!...:-) How are you see the RTS Index going up?
Alexis (16:15):
Well I see it. Wave B
Well have you used it to make money?
why don't you say something?...I made 70k rubles in two days....
Alexis (17:42):
I'm watching football
Alexis (17:43):
you're good.
Sania, I'm not playing now.
Alexis (17:44):
And I'm going to the FOREX, not the stock market. FOREX is closer to me
Alexis (17:45):
So you also think that now it's only wave B - and then a crushing C?
yes...and the RTS index will fall to 300 points...then rebound again and fall again to 150...and then the market reversal will start...I also wanted to go to Forex in the last weeks of trading...I think everything is more transparent there and the leverage is good...
Alexis (17:50):
150? This is crazy.
Alexis (17:51):
I.e., up to 300 would be
Only A inside the big zigzag?
Or flat
well yeah...the recession process is just at the beginning...we will see global bankruptcies and European and Asian indices falling to critical lows...panic has just begun...
Alexis (17:52):
Well I'm guessing it won't be just a matter of a few months. We should go to the real market urgently.
Our indicators don't work...we have to look at the Dow Jones index and it hasn't bottomed out yet...
Alexis (18:02):
Dow... we'll have to look at
there's a 20-year curve it...
Alexis (18:05):
Where do you think the Dow bottoms?
I have data from 1970, I've been looking for months.
another 40%-60% down.... and the external backdrop will be appropriate...oil will fall to $30-35 a all is just ahead...
Alexis (18:09):
About oil I thought so roughly. It is too early to be optimistic.
So this is a crisis comparable in strength to 1929-32?
xxx(18:11): short I'm playing up after the holidays on Thursday and on Friday I think things will start to collapse again...I'll go out to cash and wait...
Alexis (18:13):
Basically understandable. Officials are reporting victories and the crisis is taking its course without listening to them
The first working day is supposed to be on Wednesday.
and the stock exchange will start working on Thursday...I got notice today
Alexis (18:16):
Ah, that's how it is
yes...and you understand...I've noticed the following pattern in this falling market - the percentage of a rebound equals twice the percentage of the next fall...
Alexis (18:19):
The next - or the previous one?
Alexis (18:21):
Let's get better at the numbers. Right now the decline was 80%. The rebound is ?
here's the market is up from 40 to 120% in individual issuers right now....percent drop will be respectively80-240%...after this bounce...
Alexis (18:24):
The first wave (A) inside the full correction is a zigzag. Is that what you mean?
Alexis (18:25):
Then there will be a major second one - some sort of triplet. And then a major C, a powerful five, which will take the RTS to 150. Is that about right?
Alexis (18:26):
Well, of course, if there are no complications like complicated threes?
You know it yourself... five waves on the upside - three waves on the downside... Of course there will be bounces...
Mathemat писал(а) >>
xxx(18:06): oil will fall to $30-35 a all is just ahead...

This is awesome..... Is it really going to be like this?

LeoV >> :

That's cool..... Is this really how it's going to be?

Of course it is ! We can't live on oil forever under 100...

BARS писал(а) >>

Of course! We can't live on oil at 100 forever...

So, will the dollar be 1 to 1 against the euro? Or 0.8-0.9? )

LeoV >> :

So will the dollar to the euro be 1 to 1? Or 0.8-0.9? )

Leonid, soon they'll be giving dollars away for free,

and then they'll give a bottle of beer in addition to a pack of quid :)

So ask for a prize, which you're moving steadily towards, in advance,

as long as the dollar is still worth something.


Good luck in the Champ!!! Going well (ugh, ugh, not to get gassed).

goldtrader >> :

Leonid, soon dollars will be given away for free,

and then they'll give a bottle of beer to a pack of quid :)

Like in Nigeria... toilet paper :))

LeoV >> :

So, will the dollar to the euro be 1 to 1? Or 0.8-0.9? )

I have already written that the rates are mainly in the corridor of their purchasing power parity, and this corridor is always floating. If in 2005 the rates were close to (just to memory, not exact, I was not engaged in trading then) 1,26-1,36 for example, it is not surprising to see quotes decrease from 1,6 to this corridor, when the USD strengthening. There are always dissatisfied and dissatisfied. What do we care? We have to make some profit, while the lucky ones will get it.