Are you familiar with the programmer with the nickname "Regards Best"... - page 12

Andy_Kon писал(а) >>

1. I looked through the thread - had fun.

2. now to business - ready to give 12 WMZ 5555_55 under a small and simple condition: by 09.10.2008 16:00 he will learn MQL4!!!

3. Who can join, your suggestions.


"Life gets better, life gets more fun".


what else can I do for your 12 WMZ....


to 55555_55

I have a feeling that 55555_55 is an inventor.
Straightforward question: are you 55555_55 by any chance an inventor?
(Or at least a rationer?)

Korey писал(а) >>

to 55555_55

i have a feeling that 55555_55 is the inventor.
Straightforward question: are you 55555_555 by any chance an inventor?
(Or at least a rationer?)

remember the parable of the blind men studying the elephant ....

and don't believe your gut feelings...

55555_55 >> :


what else can I do for your 12 WMZ....

1. Not for mine, but for yours. I'll pay back the debt for Integer.

2. Your calculation is very simple: a couple of lines of code, 20 minutes of work give me 12 WMZ for it.

If so, my calculation is even simpler - learn a "simple language" MQL4. I will pay you back for Integer, shame on him (i.e. your money).


to 55555_55

I see, and you behave like a true inventor and rationalizer who would turn an entire industry on its head for his 3 roubles.
Why don't you try it?


The money will come back, a protection deal.

Korey >> :

to 55555_55

I have a feeling that 55555_55 is an inventor.
Straightforward question: are you 55555_55 by any chance an inventor?
(or at least a rationer?)

I have several patents and inventor's certificates, he's not one of ours.

to Andy Kon
There are all kinds of inventors, those who actually invent because they work on it. -those are ours.
And those who invent because they think they are geniuses, they are not ours.
Those who aren't ours, who don't respect anyone, not even Uncle Locksmith,
I've seen them myself once in the volume of total rubbish.
Andy_Kon писал(а) >>

I have several patents and inventor's certificates, he's not one of ours.

I agree, I have one too :-))

Korey >>:
to Andy Kon
изобретатели разные бывают, те которые собственно изобретают потому что над этим работают. -Это наши.
и те которые изобретеия фиксируют потому что гениями себя считают, эти явно не наши.
вот таких не нашиx, которые никого не уважают, даже Дядю Слесаря,
насмотрелся когда-то лично объеме полного отстоя.

I don't get it, explain. :-)