Transition from Virtual to Real. 1000 USD (daily) - page 5


A real nerd is one who is easier to sleep with than to explain why not :)

Eurofoto, Roche made a good analogy with the board between skyscrapers .What's not to understand here?

Just try the real one for half a year and then come back and tell me your impressions.

It will be interesting to hear your "rant about being". No offence, I hope.

LeoV писал (а) >>

The EURGBP at 2.0 has a point value of $35.7. Accordingly, a drawdown of 120 pips could bring your deposit to zero. I don't know, very risky MM, although EURGBP is not a very volatile pair. Consequently, $500 profit is only 14 pips. Is it more like pips or something?

And taking into account margin requirements - the deposit will be nailed down a bit earlier, by margin call :)

For justice it should be noted, that some hundreds from those 4300 will be left, they can be withdrawn and visited the pub :)

Why is everyone getting so worked up? Well, the man will go to the real world, he will get his lumps there and either leave or not. In any case, he needs to get his own experience and get his own bumps in the road.
If this guy has been reading the forum for a long time, he knows all the problems of going for real, and no one interfered with the chance to start with a sum that wasn't too shabby.
SK. писал (а) >>

A real nerd is one who is easier to sleep with than to explain why not :)

Eurofoto, Roche made a good analogy with the board between skyscrapers .What's not to understand here?

Just try the real one for half a year and then come back and tell me your impressions.

It will be interesting to hear your "rant about being". No offence meant, I hope.

I don't think advice won't help!

A person just wants to share ...


The easiest way is to open real ... and everything will go back to normal - maybe not right away


A board between skyscrapers ... and a board 30 cm from the ground, it's really like REAL and DEMO



А что все так завелись то ? Ну пойдет чел на реал, набьет там шишек и успокоится и уйдет или не уйдет. В любом случае - ему надо получить свой опыт и набить свои шишки.

FION, you know, it's just not clear where such stubborn people come from. He comes to people with questions, where everyone has their own experience, and he tries to explain, and he philosophises. It's a personal right, but since he's here himself, let him listen. No, he doesn't. In short, I'm too lazy to write.
Yeah, I fell for it myself, clearly answering the question but not thinking about the reason for it. Mischek writes correctly: it's a desire to share and... spread my fingers (index and pinky) a little. I know this feeling. But it is better to spread fingers all the same in real life - if you really want to.
What scoundrels you are... Well, well... I've had enough of you, but I can't take it. I've had enough of you.
P.S. It's my background you're all trying to prove yourselves... Like we're all so fucked up, not a penny under our belts, but we can write all sorts of nasty posts here...
Well, well... I'll post the password to the real one, now that I've promised...
P.P.S. Notice, all who read this thread, now just one by one will be those posts that are in every forum (those who do not do shit, sitting idly at the computer and believe themselves the people of the Earth ... they just want to get into a verbal dispute ... I call them ******* (I do not write it on purpose, for I am a decent person).
Again, there are such people in every forum on any subject...
Mathemat писал (а) >> spread your fingers (index and pinky) just a little bit.

A prostitute comes home in the morning after a night's work and says - "Ehhh, my legs legs! At last you're together!"

Same here - real work will quickly move those toes back.... ))))

LeoV писал (а) >>

A prostitute comes home in the morning after a night's work and says - "Ehhh, my legs legs! At last you're together!"

So it is here - real work will quickly move those toes back.... ))))

For you, Leonid...

From Krylov's fable "The Elephant and the Moose"

"... The Elephant was led through the streets...

From nowhere, a mole comes towards them.
When he sees the Elephant, he runs at him,
Barking and squealing and tearing,
"So he gets into a fight with him..."


So here, you're just littering the forum with meaningless barking at me...

>> huh...