Traders Forum - page 17


"And again the battle goes on!"

P.S. We only dream of peace.......

IlyaF писал (а) >>

Don't you see the question?

Whoops, that's how they teach history nowadays, and arithmetic too.

They're used to ticking the boxes on the USE,

no autonomy in adult questions.)

KimIV писал (а) >>

Stop it or I'll have you banned!

Wow! Are you a moderator here? Why don't you pay attention to what's going on in the forum then? Do you solve all problems by threatening to ban a member striving for order?


Korey писал (а) >>

IlyaF wrote (a) >>

Don't you see the question?

Whoops, that's how they teach history nowadays, and arithmetic too.

They're used to ticking the boxes on the USE,

No independence in adult matters)))

Very indicative example. I am shocked with you

IlyaF писал (а) >> if you don't stop being sarcastic, it's gonna affect you too.

Ilya, it's no use, Korey is not the shy or politically correct type. And the fact that he's an ulcer, and quite self-critical at that, is even more fun. You should concentrate on your radar, it's very intriguing.

LeoV писал (а) >>

"And again the battle goes on!"

P.S. We can only dream of peace.......

A thief broke into Khoja Nasreddin's house at night.
Khoja's wife hears a noise and pushes her husband to her side. Go and sort it out!".
And Khoja says to her: "Hush, hush! We're poor people, you can't steal anything from us, so maybe the thief will drop something of his in the dark."

IlyaF писал (а) >>
Wow, are you a moderator here?

No. That was a joke! :-)

IlyaF wrote (a) >>

Why don't you pay attention to what's going on in the forum then?

What's going on? The forum is alive. That's normal!

IlyaF wrote (a) >>

Do you solve all problems by threatening to ban a member who seeks order?

Yes, I deal with problems that way. I don't know any other way. That's a joke, too!

You don't seek order! Don't lie!


"Everybody lies" (c) Dr. House.

P.S. Also, by the way, a real pain in the ass...

LeoV писал (а) >>

Is the photo in the avatar yours or of an actress? ))))))

To soothe your soul, here's a facebook page with some more photos of the same "actress"

Infiniti-g37 писал (а) >>

To soothe your soul, here's a Facebook page with some more photos of the same "actress"

So you are beautiful and smart? It's rare to meet someone like that in real life. I envy your young man.......