Tell me the release date of mql5? When will mql5 be available? - page 17

Korey >> :

to Renat

Count on constructive criticism:
-jumping address arithmetic from C minus minus to C++ was a Dangerous Decision,

We have MQL5, not pure C++. There is no address arithmetic in MQL5, of course.

blend писал(а) >>

the conspiracy theory has expanded from USA to MQ))) Sherlock Holmes rests

Heh.) It's not just Holmes.

Freud and Parkinson and Levi and Carnegie are resting here. There's a whole rest house here!:)


I heard yesterday.

"freud would be happy to talk to you."


blend писал(а) >>

I heard yesterday.

"freud would be happy to talk to you."


if the conversation takes place.
be sure to tell us about yourself in the thread

Korey писал(а) >>

to Renat

This could lead to the next failure.

Where are the previous ones? What are you talking about? MT is more than a successful commercial product, its popularity as well as your 3500 posts on this forum prove it. Come to your senses, it's not that bad...


to Figar0

I'm not saying it's bad, just think about it,
what would happen if MQL-4 was fully complemented,
and if it had a friendly tutorial.
and if the Strategy Tester was not distorted and tuned

Korey >> :

to Figar0

I'm not saying it's bad, just think about it,
Think about what would happen if MQL-4 was fully complemented,
and if it had a friendly tutorial.
and if the Strategy Tester didn't distort and tune

DCs would go bust.

Undistorted tester... yep... interesting (especially now, in this age of crisis). I wonder how people traded in the prehistoric era, when there was no tester and not even a personal computer...
Mathemat >> :
Undistorted tester... yep... Interesting (especially now, in this era of crisis). Here I am thinking, how did people in the prehistoric era trade, when there was no tester or even personal computers yet...

They tested by hand on rice paper.

Mathemat >> :
An undistorted tester... yep... Interesting (especially now, in the age of crisis). I wonder how people traded in the prehistoric era, when there was no tester and not even personal computers yet...

In prehistoric times, trading was done within a long period of time - within a year, at best within a month...

Now it's within a day, within an hour...

In the future, within a minute, within a second. Let's make 100 trades a second! And it won't be pips :)