[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 138



1. A programmer must have a fat ass, an empty head and short-cropped fingernails on his right hand.

2. The programmer must strive to debug. If the situation has two choices, one of which is to terminate the program and the other is to continue debugging, the programmer should choose the second way.

3. The date of program completion is incalculable and incomprehensible. For the peace of mind, the programmer should forget that he or she will ever finish writing the program.

4. The programmer is programming his own programming process.

5. If there is a byte in your program which you do not like, rewrite the whole program.

6. A good program is one that sells. A program is not considered complete until the customer has paid for it.

7. To the question, "Can you write this program?" a real programmer answers in one of two ways: "I can" or "I can, but I don't know how".

8. There are no games other than TETRIS, and even that is a terrible bore.

9. A true programmer uses standard tools. Almost all programs have been written for a long time.

10. Obligatory actions of a real programmer: printing dumps, reading documentation, breathing, eating and sleeping. Sleep has the highest priority.

11. Information is additive.

12. A good programmer should have a clear idea of the place of programming in life. For example: - Any urgent matter can be postponed for any indefinite period of time. Only excesses and amusements must not be put off.
- Work should resemble leisure.
- Work makes the horses die.
- It is better to do nothing than to do nothing, etc.

13. Reserved for further development.



Great, let's go again :)

Man, I'm gonna download it and save it on my computer :)


Also, the difference between a programmer and an ordinary person is that ordinary people think that a kilobytes is 1000 bytes; a programmer is sure that a kilometre is 1024 metres:)

Another example is trading. Trading is also a science,....

"Do you trade in the market ? Me too !!! "

Why is it harmful? If you do it right, it's not harmful, although of course it can be dangerous. Search the word freediving. Diving record over 200 meters, holding his breath for over 11 minutes.

Well, he's obviously surfacing faster than bubbles.

11 minutes, that's crazy, I got 2:15 seconds.

A very effective video, even if it is a montage. And the music is interesting.

Well, he's obviously surfacing faster than the bubbles.

11 minutes, that's crazy, I got 2:15 seconds.

The video is a beautiful montage of many pieces-tries, and you can't tell what's true and what's not. And you should read about freediving, it's interesting. The video is a beautiful montage of the numerous pieces of attempts, the truth is not true, but you can read about freediving there and it is interesting. 11 minutes is already some superhumans or simply psychics - by force of will and training they force themselves not to breathe and suppress the instinct of self-preservation in the body, in this state they can "strangle" themselves, suffocate without any external influence - "hold your breath and die".

The ducklings have gone into the water, That's Summer ))

And the seagulls are still sitting

I messed up with the Seagull, I wanted to get closer, then while I was removing the camera, the current swept it away on a rock

The mother, furious, flew off the nest, at the scream came six more, fathers probably, and began to dive at me as fighters, one by one, literally a meter away turn aside, it's scary

Vuoksa, yesterday

The ducklings are adorable!