NATURAL INTELLIGENCE as the basis of a trading system - page 41


Although, from my point of view, there is another point, which cannot be driven by statistics and averages, because it is purely individual. I am referring to the karma of an individual. If his life objectives are not in any way connected to money, then no matter how hard he tries he will not be able to jump higher than some average level. On the contrary, it is through failures that he will be taught until he gives up his nonsense and turns towards his real destination. And this is true for any of his activities.

We could agree with this, because in the end this is roughly what it turns out to be. However, there is an unobvious but important detail about karma - it has a definite past but a multivariant future. It is only when everything has already happened (life is over) that karma is fully revealed. At the same time, karma is present from the beginning. Formally it can be said that at birth there are many varieties of karma, and one is at each moment at a bifurcation point, at the crossroads of karma.

Incidentally, this fact (law) is decisive in terms of the fundamental possibility of development itself. As in the cartoon about the Dragon: Whatever karma you choose, such is your life, and such you are.


Oh, the heavy artillery is here :-) . And again about unnatural karma, fate, destiny ... . That's how we get to the "Supreme Being" again. IHMO there is no him or karma. There is only natural intelligence, and one constructs one's own destiny. Just one goes through life with the notion that the glass is half empty and the other with the glass half full.

Aha! There is no God, but you can leave him a message after the beep:-)

Safe profit levels in percentages per initial deposit in

day, week, month, year

First stage trader 6 8 9 10%

Second step trader 8 10 15 20

Third stage trader 15 17 20 29

Fourth stage trader 21 29 35 57

Fifth stage trader 52 70 95 120

Sixth step trader 55 99 250 360

Seventh step trader 55 190 800 900%

The first level trader has close allowable levels - literally worked one day - got 6% and rest until the end of the month. There are suggestions on how to deal with this. For example, in forums there is a recommendation to have a 40k deposit and put 0.1 lot each.

This recommendation obviously refers to the first-tier trader, i.e.

maximal secure profit = 40000*0,06=2400/day 3200/month and 4000/year.

So, 40k depot and 0.1 stakes are needed to avoid boredom.


Safe profit levels in percentages per initial deposit .

Looks like it.

What's next in your opinion (can you go on a logarithmic scale)? Or is that ... everything?:)


The scale is uneven, the steps are not all there. But there is enough for discussion and further learning.

"I can't explain anything to a man unless he sees one side of a square and names

all four." Confucius.

For practice it is important to define one's own stepping stone, you could call it trader status.


I don't know about Korey, but I think the highest level is 1% a day, but steady. With compound interest, after a year it'll be a trade. No interest.


The scale is uneven, the steps are not all there. But there is enough for discussion and further learning.

I agree.


By the way, there is an interesting kind of "accounting" of profits here. Let's say a 5th step trader made an annual rate for 1 month, was 10k, became 15.7 and... took it all out. Waited one hmm... lunar month, and again brought 10 thousand to BC. Asking how much will the safe level be now? - The same 57%. I.e. trader went in twice, and "cheated the fate", took 57% twice in a year. Explanation: psi time goes from event to event.


Safe profit levels in percentages per initial deposit in

If you want to present a complete picture, you have to list conditions under which the trader's status is changed. And this way it will be clearer what status mean for you. Otherwise, it suddenly cannot be changed through no effort at all, and that is the end of the life, the work on the Expert Advisor is useless, you need to retrain as a manager. :-)