NATURAL INTELLIGENCE as the basis of a trading system - page 40


OK, Andrew, you're under 40. I don't protest...

I once had to send a boy to school after the physics department. I went to graduate school in economics, and the pro-rector told me in a forehead - this kind of education is not suitable for us. Well, I understand that the literature and myself understood that mathematics is completely different, and that in two years of graduate school it is unlikely that the mindset matures. Other objects mean another way of thinking, another way of representing, and ... another position with respect to the Golem.

That is, physicists, just the kind of people who could clarify something in finance, are not allowed there. But the bourgeois have invented econophysics...


OK, Andrew, you're under 40. I don't protest...

I once had to send a boy to school after the physics department. I went to graduate school in economics, and the pro-rector told me in a forehead - this kind of education is not suitable for us. Well, I understand that the literature and myself understood that mathematics is completely different, and that in two years of graduate school it is unlikely that the mindset matures. Other objects mean another way of thinking, another way of representing, and ... another position with respect to the Golem.

That is, physicists, just the kind of people who could clarify something in finance, are not allowed there. But the bourgeois have invented econophysics, haven't they?

I've always said that a mathematical education is very useful for radio ethics.

However, I'm not Andrei, I'm Alexander. Actually Andrey is my younger brother-in-law, who is about 40 and has a wallet in Seychelles, and he's not interested in personal trading anyway.

On the other hand if I'm perceived as Andrew, so thank you for that (I'll take care of it). I feel that people on this blog are extraordinary.



"People go where the money goes". So a financier is closer to a manager than a technologist or physics major, closer to the political branch of government than to the engineering corps.

Somehow, I had to get the boy to come to school after the physics department. I went to the master's program in economics, and the vice-rector told me in a forehead - this education is not suitable for us. I understood the literature and understood, that mathematics is completely different, and that I can hardly find any thinking in two years of Master's program. Other objects mean a different way of thinking, another way of representing and ... another position in relation to the Golem.

Technical support for the Golem may even be hostile. For the Golem, thinking is important, especially in the subcortex. If you teach other traders the same technical software, then maybe...

I used to think that economists were assholes. When I look at their models I am amazed. After all, if you make an economic change in the country, you cannot go back. I mean, the calculations must be just enormous and the models are very complicated to analyse the possible consequences of management decisions.

And their market is a Brownian motion (Wiener process - 1 equation). And the stupid military engineers have the simplest description of aircraft movement in space containing 36 stochastic dif. equations.

The financiers just never, ever, were in charge of anything. And I think their "thinking" needs to be corrected, not the engineers. When they financiers are responsible for their actions, as well as the military, if the bombs go to the wrong place, then their situation will improve :-) .

After all, everything is much more complicated here, a plane will crash, I will build a new one, adjust calculations, make adjustments and it will fly. But you cannot build a new country from scratch :-(.

SZZ. I once saw a doctoral dissertation in economics, 600 pages of flooding and an exponential graph. The power of scientific thought :-). They don't even get it from the physics department :-)


Maybe you should say thank you to history, but I wouldn't. It's nothing to thank her for, it's just the way it is and no credit to her.

At the end of the day, our greatest value lies in the high speed of our own development. In Japan, for example on the railways, there's this kind of strike - employees start scrupulously and fully complying with all regulations in force, resulting in traffic being completely paralysed. I don't think it's necessary to spend an indefinite amount of time patiently trying to mature into a financier - you could paralyse your whole life that way. It is much more effective, in my opinion, to understand the essence of market laws and the main influencing factors. And technology should only correctly reflect the underlying trends (and is hostile only as long as it reflects our delusions).

Anxiety always arises at the edge of the unknown. Once the barrier is crossed, our view of reality moves to a qualitatively different level, where there is no longer a feeling of "pressure", no alignment, because your overall own position is higher than the market. And then you can put pressure on it, not it on you. The barrier remains only for other objects that are still "on the other side", while for those inside, the qualitative restrictions are removed. A trader's activity is transferred from the category of art into the category of craft.

Separately, it should be noted that the interest in trader's activity will be lost just with the development of intellect and personality in general. Therefore, "Truly - he who can, he who will not" is the reverse side of interest (purpose). Here the action is simply equal to the counteraction. The action is the general level of development formally expressed in awareness of the goal.

In terms of "Golem" we may say that this self-organized mind stops defending itself, because firstly, it is no longer aware of danger from more developed mind, and secondly, there is no danger itself, because the developed man is not in the market, but above it (as in looking-glass).


About the mechanism of being kept out of finance.

Mathemat wrote== That is, physicists, just the kind of people who could clarify something in finance, are not allowed there. But the bourgeois have invented econophysics... ==

And who lets anyone into power for no reason at all. The physicist is required to reinforce, and where to direct this reinforcement others think. It is possible to cut off the physicist's oxygen, and he, the physicist, feels it. That is why the physicist cannot come to finance, he has to get used to it.

Quote: "The cook can rule the state because and only because she knows her interests well" V.I. L.

I think I'm beginning to see what kind of warm crowd this is all about. It's all over the 40s or far into the 40s.
I protest! =)

Why? There are no rules without exceptions. And there are kids who are more interested in finishing university at 14 than fiddling with their peers in the sandbox. :-)

Age is not measured by the number of years.

Yes, SK, I was wrong to be afraid that unsafe mental flooding might develop here - the mentally weak don't go here. Korey's proposed concept of the Power of Alignment seems to be working.

If the dissertations in economics were defended on the basis of scientific contribution, there would be no more PhDs in economics than algebraists.

If the results of scientific research were not tweaked, the Union would not have collapsed either. For example, they bring in a thesis based on five years of observations, and the boss gets a pen and corrects the figures from the experiments.

If mathematicians had set their own tasks in Forex, instead of bending to the wishes of the natural intellect of the crowd, we would have a completely different set of tools for technical analysis.)

And finally, if physicists would have chewed on social sciences and religions, (personally) adjusted physical models to the society, we would be the best financiers. But it's not customary.

Physicists are on the wrong rung of the food pyramid))


The System protects itself, checks itself. (Again, lest it all seem mystical, you could consider the System of Finance to be a Golem (a self-organised mind, taking care of its own safety).

Actually SK has already said something about this, but I'll throw in my 5 cents as well.

The Golem, i.e. the financial system, is not a System, but a system. Therefore, it cannot protect itself from an individual trader and therefore cannot be the source of this alignment force. All it can do is to function at the level of material self-organization. And it doesn't care who the money flows to. It's like in the old cartoon about the Dragon: the one, who defeats the Dragon, will become the Dragon.

That System, from which the power of alignment emanates, is much higher than not only the Golem, but the entire material world. Money is a certain form of energy, and therefore a person who has money also has the ability to influence the world around him, the greater the amount of money. This opportunity can be used in accordance with the freedom of choice of the individual to either create or destroy. Therefore, the power of alignment comes from that System, which is interested in the preservation of humanity and the continuation of its evolution. And so also the power of alignment, as SK wrote, is conditioned by the level of human consciousness and changes according to changes in that level.

Though, from my point of view, there is another point that is impossible to bind to statistics and average levels, because it has exclusively individual character. I am referring to the karma of an individual. If his life objectives are not in any way connected to money, then no matter how hard he tries he will not be able to jump higher than some average level. On the contrary, it is through failures that he will be taught until he gives up his nonsense and turns towards his real destination. And this is true for any of his activities.


I had to send a boy to school after the physics department. I went to the master's program at the university of economics, and the pro-rector told me in a forehead - this education is not suitable for us. Well, I understandably looked up literature and realized myself that mathematics is completely different, and that in two years of graduate school it is unlikely that the thinking will mature. Other objects mean a different way of thinking, a different position in relation to the Golem.

It seems that this warm company is united by something else: the concentration of physicists has exceeded a critical mass.

I had a similar story. For a couple of years after university I did not so much physics, as philosophy and political economy. And then I went to the then head of the philosophy department of MGIMO, thanks to the fact that he was a "family friend". No, I was not going to retrain, I just had too many questions like "how come? I already had an answer to them myself, but I wanted to hear the opinion of "official" science. So he, on the contrary, invited me to graduate school. But I refused for the same reasons.

At that time, in my presence a colleague came to him and we had about such a conversation:

Head of department. - How are you doing?

Companion - it is not important, it is hard to write, one page per day.

Head of department. - It's great. 365 pages. - A whole book a year.

That's when I realized how hard it is for them to "create", which generally told me more than all the answers Head of Department and influenced my decision, too.