The coolest advisor, never seen before!!!! - page 11


Dear ufkef! I don't quite understand the purpose of your discussion.
If (your EA really trades and you can see that, then it's not worth $500!)
Why don't you post it on a training account with investor password and bidding for it;


Better yet post it on the forum and bring it to profitability with the help of forum connoisseurs;

Fatal Error!!!

ufkef, have a look over here: 'What do the numbers in the EA test report mean' (see Expected Payoff).

Dear ufkef! I don't quite understand the purpose of your discussion.
If (your EA actually trades and you can see that, then it's not worth $500!)
Why don't you post it on a training account with investor password and bidding for it;


Better yet post it on the forum and bring it to profitability with the help of forum connoisseurs;

Fatal Error!!!

There you go...

if the first
great idea
the author would not agree

ufkef - put the demo on real and give invest the password
solve all your problems at the same time.
You may have a lot of offers in a month or two or three if you're that good.

Dear ufkef! I don't quite understand the purpose of your discussion.
If (your EA actually trades and you can see that, then it's not worth $500!)
Why don't you post it on a training account with investor password and bidding for it;


Better yet post it on the forum and bring it to profitability with the help of forum connoisseurs;

Fatal Error!!!

I'm waiting for the revelations! I'm waiting for some revelations. Maybe somebody smart will tell me, checking on the real, even for a month does not give me anything concrete!
I want to know the pitfalls. it's clear that the real quotes differ from the historical ones. secondly, what happens if the computer shuts down from the server. i don't want to run with the money where i'm not sure!
And about the $500, so far no one has offered :). and I doubt there will be any offers!
And the price was set because suddenly someone wants to see it!
I doubt there will be any offers here, so I'm not making a big fuss, there's no one here to buy :).
No one has the money!!!
I see there are some theoretical thinkers here, as I am interested in debating.
ufkef, have a look over here: 'What do the numbers in the EA test report mean' (see Expected Payoff).

And I'll tell you this about the clever link, I write the formulas used here myself!
ufkef, have a look over here: 'What do the numbers in the EA test report mean' (see Expected Payoff).
Did you have a look? The formula really does show the average payoff per trade, if you know anything about tervers. It can be simplified. It seems so complicated, but in fact it easily boils down to this:
Expected Payoff = (GrossProfit - GrossLoss)/TotalTrades
Does it make more sense now? When you understand the meaning of this highly theoretical formula, try to work out how much you still don't know...

And then there is such a thing as Sharpe Ratio, which shows how much this payoff expectation exceeds random market fluctuations. In fact, it is a ratio of Expected Payoff when testing by 0.1 lot to the standard deviation of the price (more exactly, Return that is equal to the difference between two neighboring prices). If the Sharpe Ratio is significantly less than 1, like in your case, the results of your strategy's testing cannot be relied upon. A reasonable value ofSharpe Ratio is several units, or, roughly speaking, several sigmas. And taking into account that the distribution of price "jumps"(Return) is not normal, but fractal in fact, and three sigmas cover much less than 99.7% of cases, you will realize that for the results of testing of your strategy to be reliable as much as the "three sigma rule" with a normal distribution, Sharp Ratio should be significantly greater than 3 (in fact, it is about 4.25).

P.S. On the HC quotes, the Return (Close) for minutiae is about 2 pips. That is, you should have the notorious expectation equal to approximately 8-10 pips. It is on one-minute periods. Correspondingly, on 30-minute ... about 45-50 pips, on 4hours ... 130 pips.