Total wiretapping is being introduced - page 34

Alexey Volchanskiy:


But much cooler are the stupid threads about "is there a grail" or "are there profitable robots"? They appear one after another like mushrooms after the rain ))). The answer is obvious - there is no grail, there are profitable robots. But no, they appear 100 pages long.

At least we are discussing real things here. The whiners are those who have gimme-gimme to discuss serious things.

On the contrary, there's a grail, but no profitable robots.
Alexandr Saprykin:
No matter what topic you start, you can't go anywhere without Stalin... He pops up in almost every thread...

That's for sure... And they say Kirkorov is a pop star, no way!

But seriously, not many people realise that "Stalin" was essential to the country at the time. Thanks to his will and unquestionable authority, the country retained its sovereignty, and not turned into a colony of some Germany. And at the same time, he prevented the countries of Europe from suffering the same possible unpleasant fate.

On the contrary, there's a grail and no profitable robots.
Oh, yeah? Ooh.
Alexandr Saprykin:
No matter what topic you start, you can't go anywhere without Stalin... He pops up in almost every thread...
Stalin is a symbol. A real predator.
Once again there is a tendency to stray away from the topic of the thread. The point of the question is here.
Как украсть триллион. Коррупционная составляющая в «пакете Яровой»
Как украсть триллион. Коррупционная составляющая в «пакете Яровой»
  • 2016.07.12
Одну вещь очень важно понимать про «пакет Яровой Озерова». Конкретно — про ту его часть, которая обещает обойтись дорогим россиянам в 5 триллионов рублей на ровном месте. Про СОРМ, СОРМ-2, СОРМ-3, СОРМ-3S, и далее ad nauseam. Важно понимать, что эта история — вовсе не про «слежку за гражданами». И вносятся эти новые технические регламенты...
Andrey Davydov:
Stalin is a symbol. A true predator.
Why would he steal, the whole country belonged to him. But before the revolution he was robbing banks.
That's a good point, the whole country belongs to him and he rules it. The rest of the temporary workers, for them the country is an object of profit, nothing more. there were very few people like that in the history of russia.
Alexey Volchanskiy:


But much cooler are the stupid threads about "is there a grail" or "are there profitable robots"? They appear one after another like mushrooms after the rain ))). The answer is obvious - there is no grail, there are profitable robots. But no, they appear 100 pages long.

At least we are discussing real things here. The whiners are those who have gimme-gimme to discuss serious things.

I agree there is no grail. No one knows the future because there is no future yet. And there is no prophet in his fatherland!

But there are trends, and thank God there are smart people who can track and systematize these trends with a certain amount of risk.

And those who have problems with the cuff do not like to take risks. That's why they are looking for the grail, to be sure. But for sure We are only going to die!

Alexey Busygin:
That's a good point, the whole country belongs to him and he rules it. The rest of the people who are temporaries, for them the country is an object of profit, nothing more. there have been very few such people in russian history.
He ruled, because losing power was like dying, like now. And because he loved power more than his homeland.
Andrey Dik:

That's for sure... And they say Kirkorov is a pop star, no way!

But seriously, not many people realise that "Stalin" was essential for the country at that time. Thanks to his will and unquestionable authority, the country retained its sovereignty, and not turned into a colony of some Germany. And at the same time, he prevented the countries of Europe from suffering the same possible unpleasant fate.

Vavilov and other great minds were in the way how?

In my opinion, he was incompetent and destroyed anyone who threatened his power.