Algorithm Optimisation Championship. - page 84


A man wouldn't allow it)))

What merit? Prove it yourself, and can you slow down, I'm writing it down.


I'm telling you, let's go compete. - No one wants to compete, almost. But you're welcome to accuse me of having a "pompous" attitude.

Andrey Dik:


I'm telling you, let's go compete! - No one wants to compete, almost. But to accuse me of having a 'show-off' is always welcome.

No. You've got credit before you've proved it.
No. In the presence of: assigned himself merits before he proved them.

I didn't give them to myself, I was awarded them, probably undeservedly. They gave it to me and I have to prove that I don't deserve it? - That's bullshit, isn't it?

I say, "Come and compete," and I say, "We don't know what it is." I say, "There's algorithms, optimisation, very useful thing in the household" and I say, "What is 'algorithms'?!" I said, "Here, I've got some books here, read them." - and they say to me, "No way! "You've read a lot of books, you must be pretty smart. I said, "What's the big deal? "Read it, maybe you'll like it." And I get the answer: "You're such a smart-ass. Why don't you come down and talk to people? You're just waving your unproven merits in front of people's noses." .... All that kind of stuff.

Andrey Dik:
I didn't give them to myself, I was awarded them, probably undeservedly. They gave it to me and I have to prove that I don't deserve it? - That's bullshit, isn't it?

Oh, I must have missed the award ceremony.
Since you stated it publicly, can you remind me when and how it happened?


Oh, I must have missed the award ceremony.
Since you stated it publicly, can you remind me when and how it happened?

Vaughn, the post above told me what it was like, the "awarding").
If so, why not agree on a third person from outside the MC, the Composter for example, if he agrees, or someone else who everyone agrees on as a judge.
Andrey Dik:
Vaughn, in the post above, told me what it was like, the "awarding").
Is the king naked?
In that case, why not arrange for a third person from outside of MQ, the Composter for example, if he agrees, or someone else who everyone agrees to act as a referee.

No problem!

There's just one thing, it's been said a thousand times:

1. If a representative from MQ, it is possible to use FFs that imply no restrictions on FF parameters, i.e. a guarantee is provided that the algorithms will not fall into the "left" hands, as there is no protection for practical application in the algorithms.

2. If the judge is not an MQ, it is necessary to apply the FF with a restriction on the parameters of the FF, in order to protect the intellectual property of the participants.

As potential participants were suspicious of a biased application of FF restrictions by the organizer of the Championship (point 2), a decision was made to put the algorithms in the hands of a representative of MQ (point 1). But since MQ representatives have expressed no desire to be judged, it will not be possible to hold the championship. Or we will have to go back to point 2, i.e. apply restrictions on FF parameters.

Is the king naked?

Is that what this is about? Huh? Are you a satirist humorist as well? - Or do you have something to say/show?

And who's the king? - You label me again, and in a couple of pages you want me to prove that I'm not the king?

Andrey Dik:

No problem!

There's just one thing, it's been said a thousand times:

1. If a representative from MQ, it is possible to use FFs that assume no restrictions on FF parameters, i.e. a guarantee is provided that the algorithms will not fall into the "left" hands, as there is no protection in the algorithms for practical application.

2. If the judge is not an MQ, it is necessary to apply the FF with a restriction on the parameters of the FF, in order to protect the intellectual property of the participants.

As potential participants were suspicious of a biased application of FF restrictions by the organizer of the Championship (point 2), a decision was made to put the algorithms into the hands of a representative of MQ (point 1). But since MQ representatives have not expressed their willingness to referee, it will not be possible to hold the championship. Or we will have to go back to point 2, i.e. apply restrictions on FF parameters.

Do not mislead people about the protection of participants' algorithms from use, by introducing restrictions on parameters.