Algorithm Optimisation Championship. - page 86


I did not feel that you were misleading the people. And the basis for this is mathematics.
You have set a limit to change the variables -10 +10 in steps of 0.1
you get 201 values, which is enough to optimise any parameter.
All that remains is to transpose the range [-10 +10] into any desired one.
Those who know the subject have already read it)))

It was my suggestion to protect the algorithms from practical use by third parties, i.e. I take care of your own intellectual property. 200 steps in optimization is very weak for most practical tasks such as optimization of neural networks and others. It is simple and, hopefully, understandable and does not raise any questions.

If you have any other PROPERTY suggestions to protect the algorithms, please, speak up. No accusations of anything, but just something like "I believe that the protection offered by the organizer of the championship is too weak for my algorithm, I suggest to change the FF's properties in this way: ....". - followed by a concrete, sensible suggestion.

You're like a woman at a bazaar, honestly, like/dislike, mislead/unmislead...

Andrey Dik:

It was my suggestion to protect the algorithms from practical use by third parties, i.e. taking care of your own intellectual property. 200 steps in optimization is very weak for most practical tasks such as optimization of neural networks and others. It is simple and, hopefully, understandable and does not raise any questions.

If you have any other PROPERTY suggestions to protect the algorithms, please, speak up. No accusations of anything, but just something like "I believe that the protection offered by the organizer of the championship is too weak for my algorithm, I suggest to change the FF's properties in this way: ....". - followed by a concrete, sensible suggestion.

You're like a woman at a bazaar, honestly, like/dislike, mislead/unmislead...

Do you even believe it yourself?
That's exactly what you are. Blood money.


Do you even believe that?
It's the money. Blood money.

Will there be any proposals to protect the algorithms of the participants?
Andrey Dik:

If there are any other DEAL suggestions for defending the algorithms, then please do say so. No accusations of anything, but just something like "I believe that the protection offered by the organizer of the championship is too weak for my algorithm, I propose to change the properties of the FF in this way: ....". - and then a concrete sensible suggestion.

In two threads you have been given many good suggestions.


Many sensible suggestions have been made to you in two threads.

I see... Please don't write here again, don't flub, I beg you very much.
Andrey Dik:
I see... Please don't write here again, don't flub, I beg you very much.
Is this all your arguments?
So the king is naked after all)
Andrey Dik:
I see... Please don't post here again, don't flub, I beg of you.

Take the example of the Administration - they silently say: "Write whatever you want, we have left with a guarantee".

Your championship is dead because of very simple and understandable reason: it died right after its birth, thanks to you. Justification: the administration offered its participation in the form of sponsorship and support for $ 3000 and just gave up on you and your championship.

If you want to revive it, you need to read everything from the first post, understand the reasons of its death and just give birth to something qualitatively new.


-- set a challenge, your challenge -- and show your solution to that challenge.

-- challenge your opponent to beat your result

-- whoever is interested -- offer his own solution to your problem and his result -- on the winner's side, he may change the problem and offer his solution under a new condition

-- the contest can go on for a long time -- no need for referees and loud farts in a never-ending attempt to reinvent Frankenstein.

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why the "championship" was doomed:

PS: The second screenshot is particularly eloquent.

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

Take the example of the Administration - they silently say: "Write whatever you want, we left with a guarantee".

Your championship is dead because of very simple and understandable reason: it died right after its birth, thanks to you. Justification: the administration offered its participation in the form of sponsorship and support for $ 3000 and just gave up on you and your championship.

If you want to revive it, you need to read everything from the first post, understand the reasons of its death and just give birth to something qualitatively new.


-- set a challenge, your challenge -- and show your solution to that challenge.

-- challenge your opponent to beat your result

-- whoever is interested -- offer his own solution to your problem and his result -- on the winner's side, he may change the problem and offer his solution under a new condition

-- the contest can go on for a long time -- no need for referees and loud farts in an endless effort to reinvent Frankenstein

You're like the janitor in a girls' dorm -- you're missing the excitement and ruining the event, all the while making some convincing arguments that you can't save....