Algorithm Optimisation Championship. - page 80

I didn't claim anywhere that my version is better than yours )) Congratulations!

I can frankly say that I have not thought of such a simple solution as your algorithm presents. This solution has the advantage that it is perfectly tailored to the specific task and there is nothing superfluous in it.

However, its advantage is also its disadvantage. The slightest complication of the task will require you to redo everything.

For example, if you are told to find the number of words in a string, count the number of used symbols among all possible characters in the key, count the number of repetitions of each character, count the number of letters in each word, count the number of punctuation marks in the text - your algorithm can not handle it.

Why did I say that I had left room for my algorithm to develop - because even before compiling a complete string and writing it into a file, my algorithm calculates all of these parameters that I've listed.

Of course you don't need to do that to solve this problem, but if I was told to calculate these parameters now, I wouldn't have to write a single line of code.

I call this approach "calculating algorithm's versatility margin".

Andrey Dik:
Then get ready for the championship challenge, you've already done the "warm-up" to perfection.

Interesting suggestion.

In the absence of a prize fund the only motivation for me in the competition is the desire to find my place in the 'food chain'.

I'm new here, and I'm curious as to where I rank in terms of professionalism among community developers.

For the sake of convenience, I propose to abolish all connectivity issues.

Let it be as simple as the text problem - there is a library, it has an FF. The task is solved by a script. The result is sent to a file.

The task should be a challenge not only for me but also for you.

What you think only you can do. Something for which you will really fight to the death, rather than generously talking about a "warm-up".

And the loser will openly admit that he has conceded, without trying to take things away into an empty argument and demogoguery.

How do you like this suggestion? :)

Реter Konow:

Interesting suggestion.

With no prize money the only motivation for me in the competition is to find my place in the food chain.

I'm new here, and I'm curious as to where I stand in terms of professionalism among community developers.

For the sake of convenience, I propose to abolish all connectivity issues.

Let it be as simple as the text problem - there is a library, it has an FF. The task is solved by a script. The result is written to a file.

Are you going back to "suggestions"? We can exchange scripts only you and me in private correspondence, and for the championship, it will not work. The structure of the files and how they are connected is not taken from the ceiling, and not for the purpose of complicating the lives of participants, it makes sense, which has been said many times. How to check the work of the script, how the jury will judge the work and the results if there is no way to manage the script of the participant?

Tag Konow:

The task should be a challenge not only for me, but also for you.

That what you think only you can do. Something for which you will actually fight "to the death" rather than generously talk about a "warm-up".

And the loser openly admits that he has conceded, without trying to take everything away into an empty argument and demogoguery.

As for the difficulty of the championship, don't worry. For me, the decision will hardly be easier than for you.

Andrey Dik:

Are you going back to "suggestions"? Only you and I can exchange scripts in private correspondence, and it doesn't work for the championship. The structure of the files and how they are connected is not taken from the ceiling and not for the purpose of complicating the life of the participants, it makes sense, which has been said many times. How can you check the work of the script, how the jury will judge the work and the results if there is no way to control the participant's script?

As for the complexity of the task at the championship - don't worry. For me, the solution will hardly be easier than for you.

Strange person who promotes the championship and avoids open competition...

Andrey Dik:

Are you going back to "suggestions"? Only you and I can exchange scripts in private correspondence, and that's no good for the championship.

Why do we need a jury? The results of the scripts will be in the file. We may assume, that participants' scripts exports will be uploaded here. Everyone will be able to check the work of any participant. The script will solve a specific task, and it cannot be used in any other way. Hacking is also impossible.
Реter Konow:
Let the participant's script itself upload to the file. Suppose it has a clear format for everyone, but the name of the file will contain the name of the competitor. After the contest, everyone will be able to download other participants' scripts to his or her computer, upload them to the chart and see the files with the results of the participants' scripts in the file folder.
Реter Konow:

Strange is the person who promotes the championship and avoids open competition in every possible way...

To sew up and hide the management of FF challenges is not an open competition, nor is it fair, as the real number of FF challenges cannot be verified by spectators or juries.

I, on the contrary, advocate fair competition and transparency of results.

Andrey Dik:

To sew up and hide the management of FF challenges is not an open competition, nor is it fair, as the real number of FF challenges cannot be verified by spectators or juries.

On the contrary, I am in favour of fair competition and transparency of results.

OK, in that case the decision should be in the library. But perhaps there is an option where there is no need for a jury. As we did not need a jury to determine the best solution in a text problem.
Реter Konow:
OK, in that case the decision should be in the library. But perhaps there is an option where there is no need for a jury. Like we didn't need a jury to determine the best solution to the text problem.
I'm just trying to simplify what for some reason you (it seems to me) are trying to complicate.

I don't understand what we're talking about at all. FF calls are counted in its library by a special function.

This is also where the file writing function is located.

If in the first call of the library with the FF, pass there (in a special function) the name of the participant, then this function will enter the name of the participant in the name of his file with the result.

There, in the file will be the number of FF calls.

The script will satisfy all requests in this case.