The fate of the world's currencies in the wake of the demise of the dollar. - page 67


You do not want to see that the problem has existed quietly for decades and every year it is predicted you know what. You do not want to see it, just as you do not want to see in return that this problem is more serious than the problems we have. What do you want from the other side if you are stubborn in your views.

But you cannot turn a blind eye to the way officials live. And to hypocritically talk about raising living standards at these prices. I was watching KVN the other day in '16. There was a bark going around saying that our salaries are fine, we have crazy prices in the shops and that salaries are good.

That's a great tactic - wait for the enemy's corpse to float by itself. And getting their aligarchic crooks to take the path of self-development is not.

Corrupt officials are being fought hard, do not you see that?

And administration in the economy is not effective. It is enough to create laws to stimulate the economy and make them work.


1-Corrupt officials are being fought hard, can't you see that?

2-Administration in the economy is not effective. It is enough to create laws to stimulate the economy and make them work.

1-I do not.

2-Actually speaking, everything already exists and the laws and the desire of ordinary citizens. The thing is to make these laws work. They would work, or rather observe them more or less equally.

And order would come of its own accord. What good are new laws; we should just make the old ones work. Or some people say they would like to return the death penalty.

What's the use of the death penalty? They used to put people in jail for a sack of potatoes, and now they should shoot them for it (exaggerating). Those who steal billions have avoided jail time and so will the death penalty. The problem is the system itself. If it worked, everything would be fine without the death penalty.

There is no need for administration, we just need to get some people to spend money for the good of the country instead of taking it abroad.

Do not tell me that children of officials are educated in elite schools abroad solely with donations from voters. And then from the rostrum to voice their tiny (by their standards) official salaries.

Why, if I say (for example) that my roof is leaking and I cannot hold the housing cooperative or the housing cooperative liable, even through the courts, because someone is in cahoots with someone, then I immediately become a Russophobe.

Just like when I criticize US foreign policy, I automatically become a vatnik.


I'm talking about September.
It's time for the next decision on the debt ceiling.
That's very soon.


1-I do not.

2-Actually speaking, everything is already in place, both the laws and the will of ordinary citizens. The point is to make these laws work. If only they worked, or rather observed them more or less equally.

And order would come of its own accord. What good are new laws; we should just make the old ones work. Or some people say they would like to return the death penalty.

What's the use of the death penalty? They used to put people in jail for a sack of potatoes, and now they should shoot them for it (exaggerating). Those who steal billions have avoided jail time and so will the death penalty. The problem is the system itself. If it worked, everything would be fine without the death penalty.

There is no need for administration, we just need to get some people to spend money for the good of the country instead of taking it abroad.

Do not tell me that children of officials are educated in elite schools abroad solely with donations from voters. And then from the rostrum to voice their tiny (by their standards) official salaries.

Why, if I say (for example) that my roof is leaking and I cannot hold the housing cooperative or the housing cooperative liable, even through the courts, because someone is in cahoots with someone, then I immediately become a Russophobe.

Just like by criticizing US foreign policy I automatically become a vatnik.

Why criticize U.S. foreign policy and Russia's domestic one? Why the asymmetry?
Andrey Dik:

Why criticize U.S. foreign policy and Russia's domestic one? Why such asymmetry?

Because I am a Russian citizen. And I am directly concerned with US foreign policy, not domestic. You can't understand you, you talk about their policies in comparison - you're a Russophobe. You talk about your domestic policy and don't talk about theirs-asymmetry. They also have a lot to criticize their domestic policy. But whatever you say their standard of living is higher. I do not make an example of them. And they are compared because it is accepted to look at useful things, so they compare what is good there and why is not so good here. They do not compare who has the worst holes in the system based on humus, but even here ...


Because I am a Russian citizen. And I am directly concerned with US foreign policy, not domestic. You can't understand you, you talk about their policies in comparison - you're a Russophobe. You talk about your domestic policy and don't talk about theirs-asymmetry. They also have a lot to criticize their domestic policy. But whatever you say their standard of living is higher. I do not make an example of them. And they are compared because it is accepted to look at useful things, so they compare what is good there and why is not so good here. You can't make comparisons based on humus, who has the worst holes in the system, although even here ...ah

Why don't you compare what is good here and what is not good there? Why? Maybe they need to look up to us? Why are you always looking up to someone else? - Haven't you had enough of it? If you want to live better, live better, who stops you? - Those who want to live well live well, and those who do not want to will be miserable everywhere.
Andrey Dik:

Why don't you compare what is good here and what is not good there? Why? Maybe they need to look up to us? Why are you always looking up to someone else? - Haven't you had enough of it? If you want to live better, live better, who stops you? - Those who want to live well will live well, and those who do not want to will be miserable.
It is true, it is not the place that makes the man look good, but the man the place. Life satisfaction and happiness is a state of mind, it does not depend on whether the roof of your house leaks and the way the housing and communal services work, how much money the oligarch earned and whether he transfers money abroad. And in our not very developed economy you can find a job with a decent salary. You just don't have to sit back and wait for someone to bring it to you on a silver platter. It is not common in the US to always work in one place and one city. Americans are a mobile nation. If their career is at a standstill, they don't think twice about finding a better job in another city and move there, not many have a home and most rent a place to live, so they don't usually have a problem with housing.
Andrey Dik:

Why don't you compare what's good here and what's not? Why? Maybe they need to look up to us? Why are you always looking up to someone else? - Haven't you had enough of it? If you want to live better, live better, who stops you? - Those who want to live well live well, and those who do not want to will be miserable everywhere.

Our government keeps (kept) money in US securities and the children of all the elites, including politicians (most of them at least), teach their offspring abroad, and I'm looking up to anyone else? Besides I personally did not urge anyone to look up to anyone. I was emphasizing the problems. I could not mention the Americans at all, and strictly on our internal problems. But they will call me a Russophobe again. Go to the hinterland and explain to ordinary working people how they want to live well, to really live well. And there are a majority of such people in the country. I am not campaigning for "our" opponents, they all come from the same bed. But I don't want to bury my head in the sand either. As long as there is something to eat.

I forgot... they're being treated there too.

Alexander Ivanov:


In my opinion, a stronger dollar will cause difficulties for the US economy.

Why should it?

khorosh: Bravo! Let's wait by the river...)
Why wait - we act. The states already have our president and 1/3 of the congress. It's just a matter of blocking the button