The fate of the world's currencies in the wake of the demise of the dollar. - page 62


Once again, the Tesla has conventional high-current 18650 batteries, which you can buy at electrical stores for 300-1500 roubles, depending on the manufacturer and its name, on average 500 roubles. 3.7V 30-35A.

16 * 6 * 74 = 7104 pieces. on lubomu party are cheap, 100 rubles, 100 * 7104 = 710 400 rubles ($ 12,000).

Из чего состоит батарея для Tesla Model S — «Электромобили» на DRIVE2
Из чего состоит батарея для Tesla Model S — «Электромобили» на DRIVE2
Компания Tesla Motors совершила настоящий прорыв на рынке электромобилей, впервые предложив покупателям экологически чистые серийные машины с выдающими динамическими характеристики и приемлемым для каждодневного использования запасом хода. Согласно US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) заряда литий-ионного аккумулятора емкостью 85 кВт/ч...
Andrey Dik:

In what ways are R cars worse than any other?

Renat Akhtyamov:


8-10 years service, 5k for such a battery is not expensive as it takes up half the car and the rest of it is almost unbreakable. Considering few people in the US drive such cars for 10 years :) Repair is expensive but the market is growing.
Andrey Dik:
Once again, the Tesla has conventional high-current 18650 batteries, which you can buy at electrical stores for 300-1500 roubles, depending on the manufacturer and its name, on average 500 roubles. 3.7V 30-35A.

Well, then you can proceed to the assembly :) this is what it is ... Prokhorov deflated yemobil, who's next... :)

In Russia, the focus has always been on those sectors on which its existence depended. And there results were achieved at the level of the world's best examples, or higher. Missiles and rocket engines, fighters and long-range bombers, air defence systems, tanks, nuclear submarines, nuclear industry (production of nuclear power units). It was to these sectors that the main money and the best specialists of the country were directed. Everything else was financed with left-overs, so there was always a lack of good professionals. Constant upheavals - revolutions, wars, changes of political systems also played their negative role. If the period of political calm continues, Russia has every chance of reaching a new technological level in many industries that were previously neglected.


In Russia, the focus has always been on those sectors on which its existence depended. And there results were achieved at the level of the world's best examples, or higher. Missiles and rocket engines, fighters and long-range bombers, air defence systems, tanks, nuclear submarines, nuclear industry (production of nuclear power units). It was to these sectors that the main money and the best specialists of the country were directed. Everything else was financed with left-overs, so there was always a lack of good professionals. Constant upheavals - revolutions, wars, changes of political systems also played their negative role. If the period of political calm continues, Russia has all chances to reach a new technological level in many industries, which earlier did not receive enough attention.

Food products and the food industry in general are still at an all-time high, as is pharmaceuticals.


In Russia, the focus has always been on those sectors on which its existence depended. And there results were achieved at the level of the world's best examples, or higher. Missiles and rocket engines, fighters and long-range bombers, air defence systems, tanks, nuclear submarines, nuclear industry (production of nuclear power units). It was to these sectors that the main money and the best specialists of the country were directed. Everything else was financed with left-overs, so there was always a lack of good professionals. Constant upheavals - revolutions, wars, changes of political systems also played their negative role. If the period of political calm continues, Russia has every chance of reaching a new technological level in many industries that were previously not given the attention they deserved.

Yes now it is a period of political calm, I hope it will last for Russia for a very long time.
You are probably talking about the achievements of the USSR when scientists from all over the union were working together. Submarines, tanks, power units, all the achievements of the USSR, but they have been exhausted.

The Russian Federation is now 50 years behind in technologies in every sector.

Although no, I lie, perhaps in aviation it still lags behind, especially in the invention of flying axes.

Andrey Dik:

The car market is subject to the same laws as any other market, there is a balance between image, price and quality. For example, if the European producers suddenly lower prices to increase sales, the car makers would respond and driveability and comfort would increase - the market balance is everywhere, including the car market, and not because the car makers "can't" do it, they can, but there is no need to can, they are already getting plenty of food.

Still, patriotism is a disease, for things are obvious - it is enough to try it once - but no. If there are no subjective impressions, one can look results of crash-tests, of VAZ, only with Priora there is some movement for the better, and all the rest is the quiet horror.
Andrey Dik:

food and the food industry in general, pharmaceuticals in particular.

It is also a leader in grain sales abroad, 2nd in arms sales, and a good income from software products.

In Russia, the focus has always been on those sectors on which its existence depended. And there results were achieved at the level of the world's best examples, or higher. Missiles and rocket engines, fighters and long-range bombers, air defence systems, tanks, nuclear submarines, nuclear industry (production of nuclear power units). It was to these sectors that the main money and the best specialists of the country were directed. Everything else was financed with left-overs, so there was always a lack of good professionals. Constant upheavals - revolutions, wars, changes of political systems also played their negative role. If the period of political calm continues, Russia has every chance to reach a new technological level in many industries that previously received little attention.

Only the military industry has received attention, and everything else that is for life, for people, is a by-product of the waste products of the military industry.