The fate of the world's currencies in the wake of the demise of the dollar. - page 74


Bitcoin has already been prepared for the demise of the quid.

the point you are making is obvious.
Judging by the reaction, not for everyone).

Like with the quid, and it's like that every year for the first time.

The fate of the world's currencies without a dollar. What if there is no dollar, what then.

What if the earth is flat, what then.

What if there are reptiloids, what then.

It is customary to predict the consequences when there is a realistic expectation of events that will lead to these consequences.

And to speculate in advance on abstract topics is to beat the bollocks.

I wonder if RENTV make up these false prophecies themselves. Or they randomly come up with them during certain presidents/events.

Like, so-so-it snowed in Africa yesterday-we have to get the ice age prophecy. Or, taak-every year it gets warmer by a degree-sooner!, pady bring us a papyrus with a prophecy for the next year about Satan's rise from the magma.

16 YEARS!!! It's like predicting the death of a guy from violent death every time the next year, who ended up dying a natural death in his old age without waiting.

All these predictions are journalistic concoctions, to attract sensation-hungry readers in order to boost his salary and the ratings of the publication he works for.

In any business, there are two options for dealing with the future. The passive variant (non-willful) is vanguaging or prophesying the coming events, i.e. technical and fundamental analyses in the end. The active variant (volitional) is the prediction of the future or its construction, based on the objective possibilities possessed by the subject who decided to engage in prediction. At the moment the situation is such that on the global scale all conditions for the complete liquidation of Western Civilization are ripening, and not just one quid. And the only question is when the so-called Antichrist, or bankruptcy commissioner of civilised humanity, will come to this world and finish this endless mockery of common sense to the horrendous howls of innumerable hordes of parasites.

The places of the Antichrist and his apostles are still vacant... But, judging by the matriarchal, frigid, helpless strivings of global governance, there is not much time left to wait.


Finally, there is some positive information, which I would like to share with you, if you are not aware of it;
Source: Forexpf.Ru - News

A rather unique, albeit not market-based, case has emerged in Russia.
The Nenets Autonomous Okrug has developed a mortgage programme where the borrower has to pay only 1% per annum on a mortgage. The programme covers both the primary and secondary housing markets. The mortgage loan will be subsidized for up to 15 years.
Igor Koshin, the governor of the region, asked that amendments to the district legislation be submitted to the parliamentary meeting as soon as by the September session.
The programme is primarily aimed at increasing the affordability of housing loans for young families, but will be available to all residents.

This is a reference to Russia's future prospects.
The end of usury. The end of banking lawlessness.

В России появится ипотека под 1% годовых
В России появится ипотека под 1% годовых
  • ProfinanceService, Inc
Сегодня в России выйдут данные по динамике потребительских цен за истекшую неделю. Три последние неделе уверенно держится дефляция на уровне 0.1% неделя к неделе, что резко понизило накопленную инфляцию с начала года до 2.2%. Сегодня наверняка дефляционная тенденция прервется. Цифры позволят более точно прогнозировать, насколько Банк России...

Maksim Dlugoborskiy:

developed a mortgage program...

asked for an amendment...

Has the programme been passed into law or not?

There are more promises before the elections(1,2) :)

Igor Konyashin:

Has this programme been passed into law or not?

There are more promises before the elections(1,2) :)

Well, a precedent has been set. A trend, so to speak.
Let's see what will happen.
This will have an impact on the quality of life, not for us but for our children and grandchildren.
It will be easier for them to engage in self-realization and education.
Than to think how to pay the bank and do anything except develop themselves.
If it turns out that this program allows you to raise the indices in the economy, I think it will take root.
We will set an example for other countries. Maybe they will do it again.
In Switzerland, they recently wanted to pay a few grand just for the fact that you are Swiss.
This, of course, is not the same thing. But it is a revision of the doctrine.
So far it seems difficult to take the first step.
After all, the effect of implementation will not manifest itself until a few years later.
Maksim Dlugoborskiy:
Well a precedent has been set. A trend, so to speak.

No precedent has been set. It is all "hot air" by the local authorities before the elections.

The Yamal-Nenets region is a well-known "donor" region, financially one of the few. Plus, it has a small population. Theoretically, this region can find funds to subsidise mortgages. But that such a practice will spread to other regions, especially the recipient regions, is something a very naïve person would believe. Come down from heaven to sinful earth.

And in general, recently there is less and less money; here is the latest news: benefits for state employees and law enforcement officers are being "optimised". So the question of subsidising mortgages on a federal scale will not even be seriously discussed.

Пакетное сокращение
Пакетное сокращение
Льготы из «социального пакета» для бюджетников и силовиков следует вывести из системы соцподдержки, считают эксперты института Минфина. Еще одна мера для повышения эффективности льгот — введение единого пособия «Социальный пакет» льгот бюджетников и силовиков следует вывести из системы соцподдержки и отнести в другие бюджетные классификации в...
Igor Konyashin:

No precedent has been set. It's all "air racket" by the local authorities before the elections.

Source ;

The Russian economy continues to emerge from the crisis, as evidenced by the latest GDP figures, record growth in Gazprom shipments, a record harvest, rising retail sales and real wages, lower inflation and lower lending rates by commercial banks. Today there is further evidence of positive trends.
According to the Federal Air Transport Agency, Russian airlines on domestic routes increased passenger traffic year-on-year by 11.8% to 34.8 million in January-July 2017, while international traffic jumped 37.7% to 23.5 million. In July 6.98 million people used Russian domestic services, an increase of 8.1% year-on-year. Over 5 million passengers boarded international flights, an increase of 38.3%. Russian airlines transported a total of 58.26 million people between January and July, 21% more than in the first seven months of last year. In July, total passenger traffic increased by 19% to more than 12 million people.