The fate of the world's currencies in the wake of the demise of the dollar. - page 65

Lazar Buga:
Here is another quote: the disappearance of the bipolar system did not make the situation in the world more stable - on the contrary, the key international institutions are degrading, the US and its western allies prefer "to be guided in their practical policy not by the international law, but by the law of the strong", "they believe in their separateness and exclusiveness".

I would put the question differently: who prevented Russia from confronting the countries of the West?
OK, the USSR, there was a confrontation between communism and capitalism. But even with a stronger economy (than that of today's Russia) the USSR was not able to withstand that confrontation.

They are hindering Russia to this day, but they did not hinder it much before 2014. Nobody knocked down oil prices or imposed sanctions. You can develop as much as you like. Until someone wanted a "bipolar world".

Look at China, it is quietly, on the sly, without making loud statements, is developing by leaps and bounds. The wise Oriental dragon.

Do you understand?

The key word here is 'especially', it sounds like half pregnant.

China, that dragon is hanging by a thread from sanctions.

Look at North Korea, and think: why is it an enemy to America? Isn't it because the US Congress can't pass laws there? It's ridiculous to listen to.

Vitaly Muzichenko:

This dragon is hanging by a thread from sanctions.

Look at North Korea and think: why is it the enemy of America? Isn't it because the US Congress can't pass laws there? It's ridiculous to listen to.

North Korea is a Soviet project from the beginning. Hard dictatorship, no rights and freedoms, try to say a word against the leader and they will send not only you but also your whole family and friends to a concentration camp.
Pitiful, backward country, but someone is helping it dabble with nuclear weapons.
The USA wants to secure its allies in that region, South Korea and Japan. A normal aspiration of a superpower.

I wouldn't wish my enemy to be born in North Korea. Would you want to live there? Or would you like some kind of regime in your own country?
Lazar Buga:
North Korea was a project of the USSR from the beginning. A strict dictatorship, no rights and freedoms, try to say a word against the leader and they will send not only you but also your whole family and friends to a concentration camp.
Pitiful, backward country, but someone is helping it dabble with nuclear weapons.
The USA wants to secure its allies in that region, South Korea and Japan. A normal aspiration of a superpower.

I wouldn't wish my enemy to be born in North Korea. Would you want to live there? Or would you like a similar regime in your own country?

There was a similar regime in the USSR, and everyone lived and worked, while those who fooled around could be prosecuted under the article 'loafing'. Try to say a word against it. Did you live in the USSR? I did, albeit not for long, but still.

Allies you say? Is Ukraine also an ally of America? Since when? Protecting from who, Korea? Why the sudden fondness for Ukraine?

Lazar Buga:
So far I see people who used to work in factories quitting their jobs, learning mkl4 and going freelance because they can earn more here.
And I see non-paying customers, who scrape together 30 quid and order a program from you, and think they've hired you for a month.
Or even better, when they cannot afford to order an EA and offer to co-author them. Like - I have a great idea, but I don't have 50 quid to order it. Make me a robot for free and enrich yourself later.
Look how many of these topics appear in the Russian section of the forum. This is clearly not from the good life.

And you tell me about a prosperous Russia and the imminent collapse of the dollar.

I have a mate who is a locksmith of some high level + electrician + something else, he can set up a conveyor, CNC machine, etc.

Recently he was looking for a job, as there were cutbacks in production, the rest were part-time.

Maximum, what I found. 30000 rubles / month. My wife has the same situation, although the large production of building materials, Russian-German. Wages were cut by half, if I did not like it - good riddance.

The country has fallen to the early 90s in terms of living standards.

The leaders have long been cut off from real life, their fishbowl is always warm and full.

Denis Sartakov:

finally had an epiphany, and recently **** was tearing up for the great russia....

you've got me confused with someone else, that's one.

Russia and the ruling oligarchy are two different things, that's two.

Lazar Buga:

Ukraine does not have huge reserves of raw materials as Russia does.

If you think that you live in a "developing" country, you should thoroughly study the period of Germany's development.
What pace of development and what reforms have accompanied it.

For example:
The average annual economic growth of the Federal Republic of Germany from 1950 to 1966 was about 9.2%.
And this in the post-war period. When it was literally being rebuilt from the ruins.
And you keep citing the 1990s as the main problem, after which, supposedly, something prevented the recovery and still does to this day.

And now compare your current rate of growth, cause and effect.

OK, further discussion may go where it is not recommended to go).
Especially as I've already had the experience of wasted time trying to change people's mindsets similar to yours.

In the economy, just like in sports, there are leaders, there are mediocre ones, and there are laggards. There are reasons for everything, including the national mentality. You cannot blame every footballer for not playing like Maradona. On the whole Russia is still in the middle of the pack but is a leader in some sectors. The main thing is that it is building, opening new production facilities and strengthening its military might. Read here how many new factories have been built and opened in Russia in recent years. There are 1549 pages, read it and compare with your own country.

Сделано у нас - Нам есть чем гордиться!
Сделано у нас - Нам есть чем гордиться!
Мощность Орской солнечной электростанции станции им. А Влазнева в Оренбургской области увеличилась с 25 МВт до 40 МВт. Торжественная церемония ввода в эксплуатацию 2й и 3й очереди расширения Орской СЭС прошла 2 августа 2017 г. Работы по монтажу 2й и 3й очереди начались в ноябре 2016 г и продолжались менее полугода. В результате расширения...

In the economy, just like in sports, there are leaders, there are mediocre ones, and there are laggards. There are reasons for everything, including the national mentality. You cannot blame every footballer for not playing like Maradona. On the whole Russia is still in the middle of the pack but is a leader in some sectors. The main thing is that it is building, opening new production facilities and strengthening its military might. Read here how many new factories have been built and opened in Russia in recent years. There are 1,549 pages, read it and compare it with your own country.

I wonder how your patriotic optimism is shared by your son and your nephew.

Alexander Laur:

Does patriotism have to depend on someone else's opinion?

Why don't you learn to read first?
Alexey Volchanskiy:

you've got me confused with someone else, that's one.

Russia and the ruling oligarchy are different things, that's two.

Yes, mate, I'm confused, sorry - I got drunk out of the blue...

Dmitry Fedoseev:

I wonder how your patriotic optimism is shared by your son and your nephew?

I am not in touch with my nephew. He tried to move to Russia, but his citizenship didn't work out. And my son has nothing against my patriotism. He has dual citizenship, he is a cosmopolitan, he believes that where there is good, there is homeland. He says that if Muslims come to power in Germany, he will return to Russia.