The fate of the world's currencies in the wake of the demise of the dollar. - page 60

Lazar Buga:
Then why such questions about faith in the dollar and the benefits of using it? Do I have to explain the same thing again? When Russia becomes a superpower and its GDP is 25% of the world's, we will all definitely switch to the rouble.

The rouble does not have to be a super-currency. Of course, that's not where it's going.

That the future is in crypto - that's for sure. Many good things have been found in it. Naturally, it will not be free, that is, it will not be a miner's currency. This will be a currency created from global capital, i.e., it is more likely that the efforts of several countries will unite.

There is no sense, purpose and essence in defeating the quid. Therefore, it will live long, it is 100%.

The point is to get reliable money that cannot be counterfeited. Also there is some sense in using crypto, because it makes sense to track any transaction and monetary unit movement from buyer to seller. It's very secure and complicated. But computer technology will allow such a thing.

I personally see such a development of the currency system.

Lazar Buga:
Then why the questions about faith in the dollar and the benefits of using it? Is this the same thing again? When Russia becomes a superpower and its GDP is 25% of the world's, we will all switch to the rouble for sure.

You are not reading it well. Dmitri has faith in the dollar, not me. and I did not say anything about the rouble.

Understand, "25% of the world" in the states is not because they have a strong economy, but because most countries use the dollar in their calculations. Russia has a self-sufficient economy that can "survive" without the dollar.

You have absolutely no understanding of how the pump called "the dollar" works (it works in one direction), absolutely, and I have no desire to chew up the basics.

Andrey Dik:

You are not reading it well. Dmitri has faith in the dollar, not me. and I did not say anything about the rouble.

Understand, "25% of the world" in the states is not because they have a strong economy, but because most countries use the dollar in their calculations. Russia has a self-sufficient economy that can "survive" without the dollar.

You have absolutely no understanding of how the pump called "the dollar" works (it works in one direction), absolutely, and I have no desire to chew up the basics.

How self-sufficient? North Korea has a self-sufficient economy too.
Too bad there is no desire to chew on the basics, I would love to hear a lecture.
Lazar Buga:
How self-sufficient? North Korea also has a self-sufficient economy.
Too bad there's no desire to chew on the basics, I'd love to hear a lecture.

What does "North Korea also has a self-sufficient economy" mean? What does it mean?


In the USA, people are hard workers, while in R they are blabbermouths, that is the difference. All the hardworking people have already gone to the USA, and as long as they cannot live among the blabbermouths and shams in R, they will not go back :) The U.S. economy is very powerful itself, the rest of the world copies it. R has been copying the Western model for a long time, but it is 25 years or more behind. The R economy is not even capable of producing standard cars for the population, this is the end of the argument.


And why does no one mention the NEP of the 1920s.

In five or six years under NEP, Russia was able to restore an almost completely ruined economy, to reach the pre-revolutionary level in terms of industrial and agricultural output, labour productivity and personal income, and to introduce the convertible gold piece.

These were the real facts of the formation of the new economic mechanism.

In those years the Russian chervonets became the second currency of the world after the pound. But Stalin destroyed it all.

One of the founders of the American economy, Nobel Prize winner Leontief, admitted that in order to develop the American economy, Lenin's ideas about the NEP were used.

The same thing was implemented in China.

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

In the USA, people are hard workers, while in R they are blabbermouths, that is the difference. All the hard working people have already gone to the USA, and as long as they cannot live among the blabbermouths and shrews in R, they will not go back :) The U.S. economy is very powerful itself, the rest of the world copies it. R has been copying the Western model for a long time, but it is 25 years or more behind. The R economy is not even capable of producing standard cars for the population, this is the end of the argument.

In what way R-brand cars are worse than other cars? the right is not the one who is right but the one who earned the biggest amount of money (c), examine the market share of respective cars. the people vote with their rubles. the car market follows the same laws as any other market, here there is a balance between image, price and quality. For example, if the European producers suddenly lower prices to increase sales, the car makers would react and increase comfort and driving quality - the market balance is everywhere, including the car market, and not because the car makers "can't" do it, they can, but there is no need to do it now, they are already getting plenty of food.

Andrey Dik:

In what ways are R cars worse than any other? it's not who is right, it's who made more money; look at the market share of the respective cars. the people vote with their money.

I would not even call them cars, the last ones are French and have nothing in common with domestic developments. People vote with rubles because it is the cheapest, and people need something to drive
Maxim Dmitrievsky:
Khek... I wouldn't even call them cars, the latter are French and have nothing to do with domestic designs. He's voting with his ruble because it's the cheapest.
So don't vote, what's the problem? - There is a contradiction in your words.
Andrey Dik:
So don't vote, what's the problem? - there is a contradiction in your words.

where is the contradiction?)

the world is already shifting to electric cars (at least in urban areas) and these guys are still patching buckets :)

compare the price of tesla in the usa and russia, it's a tingle, it costs 2 lakh for us new and 6 lakh for us used + the difference in income