The fate of the world's currencies in the wake of the demise of the dollar. - page 54

Lazar Buga:
I am not ashamed at all. Ukraine is in a very bad shape at the moment. It is as backward as Mother Russia.
The problem is that I admit it and you don't.

How is it backward?) They do not ask anyone for help, they do everything themselves, on the contrary, they fight all kinds of evil around and help others.
The fact that some people go to study and receive treatment in Europe does not mean they are better off there, they just want to show off like a "crimson jacket" and nothing more.
Americans also go to the French to vacation. Do they have a shitty vacation? - No, it's just a way to be different if you can be different.
The indicator of backwardness is singing someone else's tune, begging for debt on the promise of a change in domestic policy ... you know what I mean?
Lazar Buga:

So first you should pay back the money for the Lend-Lease. Otherwise what kind of bonds are you going to demand? There is much debate on this issue, for example I have debates about why Lavrov's daughter lives and studies in the United States, maybe she has already studied and just lives?
It is also debatable why members of the Duma and the Russian pop scene go to Germany or Spain for treatment. Is the local medicine so flawed that they have to seek their fortune abroad?
Any unforeseen moment has already arrived, it is time to claim their bonds.

The Lend-Lease payments are made in accordance with the 1990 agreement. According to the agreement, the debt will be repaid in full by 2030. What makes you think Russia is going to demand bonds, where did you read that, are you drunk or have you got muddled heads? Russia is not demanding US treasury bonds, it is buying them because it is more convenient and profitable to keep dollars in them.

Children of wealthy parents in Russia have every right to study in countries where they like. This is mainly done in order to master a foreign language better.

Every citizen has the right to be treated wherever he or she wants. This does not mean that our medicine is bad. In some fields of medicine we are at the top, and in some other countries we are in the lead. Pugacheva once had cosmetic surgery in Switzerland, and unsuccessfully, correcting the mistakes of the Swiss in Russia.


The Lend-Lease payments are made in accordance with the 1990 agreement. According to the agreement, the debt will be fully repaid by 2030. What makes you think Russia is going to demand bonds, where did you read that, are you drunk or have you got muddled heads? Russia is not demanding US treasury bonds, it is buying them because it is more convenient and profitable to keep dollars in them.

That's it, we are here, I haven't even read the rest, but I suspect there is no lesser extravagance. So it's more convenient and profitable to store in dollars? Oh, my God, finally. What's our topic? Why are you all messing with your citizens' heads with the ruble? Just write on every exchange office: "It's more convenient and profitable to store in dollars".
And that's the end of who's drunk and who's in over his head.
Ah! it wasn't like that: "It's more convenient to keep dollars", but as we know, the sum changes when you change the order of the parts.

I haven't seen children of wealthy US parents studying in Russia. That's a bit of a discrepancy, isn't it?
Lazar Buga:
I haven't seen children of wealthy US parents studying in Russia. That's a bit of a problem, isn't it?
Probably afraid to shake off their fat, it's a long way to go). And seriously, people in the USA are afraid of being counted as friends of Russia, which is the gravest sin there. Even the current US president has to reckon with that.
Lazar Buga:
I haven't seen children of wealthy US parents studying in Russia. That's a discrepancy, isn't it?

The explanation is very simple, but due to your political short-sightedness you cannot see it. but that was the case before, now it is the opposite: people are more often going on holiday to Russia, and then they are surprised that people here are kinder, more sympathetic, the women are more beautiful, and there are no bears with balalaikas at all.
Lazar Buga:

I'm from Russia, do you know the city of Rostov? If you put Ukraine in your profile, I can also put Honduras.

You are a strange comrade from one backward country to another backward country. What's the point? What is the point?

Probably afraid of shaking off their fat, it's a long way to go). But seriously, people in the US are afraid of being made friends of Russia, which is the gravest sin there. Even the current president of the USA has to reckon with it.
Do you really think so?
Evgeny Belyaev:

You are a strange comrade from one backward country to another backward country. What's the point? What's the point?

Lard is cheaper
Andrey Dik:

The explanation is very simple, but due to your political short-sightedness you cannot see it. but that was the case before, now it is more and more often people go on holiday to Russia, and then they are surprised that people here are kinder, more sympathetic, the women are more beautiful, and there are no bears with balalaikas at all.

Where do people go on holiday? And who does?