The fate of the world's currencies in the wake of the demise of the dollar. - page 50

Vladimir Zubov:

Was it all brainless youth too?

It was exotic then, although I would never have stood like a sheep in such a queue

Dmitry Fedoseev:

Comes from the almost complete absence of catering in the Soviet Union. Where do students go for lunch?

Don't talk about students. We had a canteen and several cafeterias, including one in the evening, in the institute building in Bonche. The canteen was cheap and from memory cooked deliciously, clearly on a subsidy.
Alexey Volchanskiy:
Don't talk about students. We had a canteen and several cafeterias in the Bonche building, including one in the evening. The canteen was cheap and from memory cooked deliciously, clearly on a subsidy.

I told you once how our institute was doing with catering, shall I tell you again?

Dmitry Fedoseev:

I told you once how our institute was doing in terms of catering, shall I tell you again?

If you don't mind, I missed that one.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

If it's not too much trouble, I missed that story

Classes start at 8:00, lunch from 1:15 to 2:20. The institute occupies an entire block (there are thousands of students), with all kinds of institute facilities and one canteen in the middle of the block. If immediately after the bell ran, then you'll stand in a queue for 30-40 minutes - that is, barely have time to eat and classes. Just walking to the canteen makes no sense.

Variants: there were canteens, in one block or in pair, but some are expensive, in some it was a lot of people, it was necessary to move a fast step and a fast step back. There were buffets in each building, but only tea, coffee, pies - not serious for a lunch for young growing foreheads. The dormitory was a 20-minute walk away - not an option to go there for lunch either.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

Classes start at 8:00, lunch from 1:15 to 2:20. The institute occupies a whole block (there are thousands of students), in the centre of the block there are all kinds of institute premises and one canteen. If immediately after the bell ran, then you'll stand in a queue for 30-40 minutes - that is, barely have time to eat and classes. Just walking to the canteen makes no sense.

Variants: there were canteens, in one block or in pair, but some are expensive, in some it was a lot of people, it was necessary to move a fast step and a fast step back. There were buffets in each building, but only tea, coffee, pies - not serious for a lunch for young growing foreheads. The dormitory was a 20-minute walk away - not an option to go there for lunch either.

I see, we had a better one, I don't remember any difficulties. Of course, catering in the Soviet Union was a complete disaster, now there are cafes at every corner. I remember that there was a pretty decent beer bar in Vladimirsky, and there was usually a 2-hour queue
Lazar Buga:

I have already cited in figures the "greatness" of Russia against the developed world powers.
1.5% vs 25% of world GDP (only vs USA). As of today you can only impose sanctions against your own people.

The EU is a long-standing strategic partner of the USA and a NATO ally.

As for China, the Sino-US relationship is one of the most important bilateral relationships in the world, possibly the most important bilateral relationship in the world today. It is a superpower relationship and a potential superpower relationship. China and the US are each other's second largest trading partners, with $500 billion in trade between them.

Russia today is a backward, gas-guzzling country. (Just numbers, just facts, nothing personal.)

My point is that when you try to position yourself as an equal competitor in the global confrontation, the numbers should prove it. So far only the "naked king".
If you are a third-rate country, you need to behave accordingly, your ambitions must match your capabilities. So far, there is no such correspondence.

I, too, am an emotional person and can afford a strong word among friends. But when I am on a forum, talking to people I don't know, I try to restrain myself and operate only with facts. Your statements once again emphasize your low level of development as a person.

You make me laugh and sad at the same time... How do you do it...?
Lazar Buga:


Russia today is a backward petrol-station country. (Just numbers, just facts, nothing personal.)

A backward country cannot build the most modern and safe nuclear power plants abroad and be a leader in the use of space. A backward country cannot produce the most modern weapons, for which there are queues of foreign buyers lined up. This "backward country" can fight back against any aggressor and is one of the few countries that can pursue independent policies.
A backward country cannot build the most modern and safe nuclear power plants abroad and be a leader in the use of space. A backward country cannot produce the most modern weaponry, for which buyers from abroad are lining up. This "backward country" can fight back against any aggressor and is one of the few countries that can pursue independent policies.

Is there no way to look up any rankings on various indicators on the internet?

Andrey Dik:
You make me laugh and sad at the same time... How do you do it...?

My frankness makes you sad, my naivety makes you laugh. Let's step away from our feelings and allow only our minds to act.