FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2016 - page 70


nzD should be salted from here

Вадим Новопашин:

from here you have to salt the nz


Waiting for a rebound


and above the deaf ceiling on falling markets consider growth?


Long term on the yen ...

from 19. 157 will consider selling

Waiting for a rebound

Вадим Новопашин:
At MN just a false impulse by one candle ...So I expect only a bounce ...0.785 is even shorter term, in the future 0.95 won't be a surprise .
and the yen is looking down specifically for the long term
On MN just a false impulse in one candle ...So just waiting for a bounce ....
I am in favor of the yen - normal, for the kiwi - still uncertain. There was a buy signal on the kiwi at the end of Friday, let's see how it behaves...