FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2016 - page 64

Doesn't scold or praise...
Doesn't call clowns.
Vitamin D deficiency...
Not Sensei... but a typo)))
you're talking like in your vegetable garden here he has an onion, here he has a turnip... and this one I'll call.... they write and write... (denizens bastards)
you're thinking like in your vegetable garden here he has an onion, here he has a turnip... and this one i'll call it.... you write and write... (denizens bastards)
Sensei it's me... your maker. What the fuck kind of vegetable gardens... I only have sandboxes...

Are you sure you always come out of the astral all the way?)))

Hi Article... hilarious))))))
Hi, Warlock ))))
Sensei is me... your creator. What kind of vegetable gardens... I only have sandboxes...

Are you sure you always come out of the astral all the way?))

404 country koo koo ))
Hello, Warlock ))))

I wonder... how will he punish them... in case God forbid they miss?)))

country404 koo koo ))
Don't cuckoo... not in the woods))) Did you get it?
It may have been a sniper's entry with a drawdown in half a minute. Below is a picture of the level that the daily draws it's probably approximate but if the bears attack they will drag the pound there as well

I wonder... how will he punish them... if, God forbid, they miss?)))

A hundred sexes in the ass)))

Yesterday I was reading our threads, remembering you...

Hi! Long live you!!!!!!!

Hi ))) Nice to come by and meet the old guard ))))
(country404 koo koo )))
Hello to you too ))))) I'm not a snob ))))