FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2016 - page 77

The cost of a litre of gasoline in the US has fallen below 10 cents

Read more on RBC:
Стоимость литра бензина в США упала ниже 10 центов
Стоимость литра бензина в США упала ниже 10 центов
Как сообщает телеканал ABC, стоимость галлона (около 4 литров) бензина в городе Хафтон Таун в штате Мичиган упала до отметки в 47 центов, что является рекордом за последние 10 лет. Более того, бензоколонка Beacon Bridge Market заметно оторвалась от остальных станций в США, опередив АЗС из Виргинии на 81 цент. Как объяснил ABC Патрик Де Хаан...
Server Muradasilov:

I've been trading for a long time but this is the first time I've seen it :) I've never seen such a profit from a 0.01 lot

The broker went crazy :)

Maybe it's a tugriki account)))
I have the following levels at the bottom 08587 the tightest just below 08492 and the tightest 08292 my brain refuses to comprehend what I see at the EUR on the Sh4
Вадим Новопашин:
The eu and the yen will be beaten on the head by their own banks while the yen rises.
The eu and the yen will be beaten over the head by their own banks while rising. It is not profitable for them to get stronger. No need to even think about unexpected global growth. Only corridors with pits.
Вадим Новопашин:
I have the levels below 08587, the tightest is 08492, and the tightest is 08292
1.077 is ironclad :))
1.077 iron :))

I have a sell target on the daily chart at 07572

I had to go with the bulls and my system showed it to me! But I slowed down.

Вадим Новопашин:
I've got a sell target of 07572 on the daily.
And nothing! )))))
Вадим Новопашин:

I've got a sell target on the daily chart at 07572

I had to go with the bulls and my system was showing it! But I slowed down.

Have you tried to see a doctor?
Have you tried a doctor?
What kind of doctor treats forex?