FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2016 - page 493


You've already prescribed the downfall of Wooden and the whole banking structure.

And for some reason I'm going back to September in stocks that are directly linked to woodenniy...

Why, because many stocks on the mmwb are already pointing to a complete reversal (September-October). And the wooden one will follow too.

So bury it early. The oil sector is of course finishing its life (but it will still grow a bit later).

But there are enough of others besides this sector.

Good luck to everyone.

Sergey Novokhatskiy:

You've already prescribed the downfall of Wooden and the whole banking structure.

And for some reason I'm going back to September in stocks that are directly linked to woodenniy...

Why, because many stocks on the mmwb are already pointing to a complete reversal(September-October). And the wooden one will follow too.

So bury it early. The oil sector is of course finishing its life (but it will still grow a bit later).

But there are enough of others besides this sector.

Good luck to everyone.

Isn't it a bit late?
North, the ruble is sold, I repeat, I don't know how much longer it will be "brought to a boil", a week or a few months, but one fact is that it is not a lifer.
Roman Busarov:
isn't it a little late ???
is it too late to enter? No, now the pullback has started, dividends have accrued on many securities + seasonality. I think September is the time.
North, the ruble is sold out, I repeat, I do not know how much longer they will "bring it to a boil", a week or a few months, but one thing is certain - it is not alive.

Now, yes, the dollars are being stocked up, but the question is how long it will last, it will be resolved in October.

Remember gold was promised at 3000 and where is it now?

Sergey Novokhatskiy:

Now, yes, there is a stockpiling of dollars, but the question is how long, in October it will all be decided.

Remember gold was promised at 3000 and where is it now?

No, the promise is one thing, I do not know who promised it and why, but I see a clear set of short positions for the ruble and I think it will only start to fall in the autumn.
No, the promise is one thing, I do not know who promised it and why, but I see a clear set of short positions for the ruble and I think that everything will start in the fall, its decline.

it will be lowered at the time of the inter-tax interval and when seasonal goods are already harvested.

It is likely that it will also drop to 3200-3400 per barrel to close the budget hole.

The Central Bank will sell the ruble to the people at inflated prices, and the impetus could be, as always, a reduction in the interest rate.

No, what was promised is one thing, I do not know who promised it and why, but on the ruble I see a clear set of short positions and I think that everything will just start to fall in the autumn.
Wait for it, wait for it, the ruble will only strengthen by September, October on the back of the falling euro.
No, what was promised is one thing, I don't know who promised and why, but on the ruble I see a clear set of short positions and I think it will just start to fall in the autumn.

I will let you know in the autumn when there will be a breakthrough, but for the moment our opinions are the same.

All gone for a couple of weeks.

Roman Busarov:

it will be lowered at the time of the inter-tax interval and when seasonal goods are already harvested.

It is likely that it will also drop to 3200-3400 per barrel to close the budget hole.

The Central Bank will sell the ruble to the people at inflated prices, and the impetus could be, as always, a reduction in the interest rate.

The rouble is less and less dependent on a barrel. In addition, illegal deliveries are being reduced, which means that the global oversupply is also being reduced.