FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2016 - page 489

If you analyzed 100%, or at least 51% of bidders, I'd be the first to take my hat off to you. But with 1% it's hard to have the truth. And don't say the old truth - "You don't have to eat all the soup to taste it, one spoonful is enough". A spoonful of soup may contain all the ingredients, yours may contain only the limescale, i.e. speculators. They do not move the market, but try to profit from its movements.

You know what's sweet on a freebie.

If Gunn spent 10 years studying a fairly simple commodity market before he started making money, how much time did you take to study the global financial system?

And assuming it's not soup but a glass of water.

I agree with you that one can spend decades studying the markets - I wrote about it already. I myself spent 4 years watching the action myself. Then I performed the transactions for another 3 years. Now many things are clear to me. I think that I need at least another 3 years to get the full picture of what is happening, and maybe even more. But in general you can spend the rest of your life. The main thing is that the positives have begun to appear.


And assuming it's not soup but a glass of water.

Even water is a complex compound. Think of "living", "dead", "holy". You can skate on perfectly pure water, made up only of H2O molecules, at room temperature...
Even water is a complex compound. Think of 'living', 'dead', 'holy'. Perfectly pure water, consisting only of H2O molecules, can be skated on at room temperature...
Okay. Suit yourself. You can also turn it into steam.
Jesse Livermore and William Gunn certainly had supernatural powers. Have studied a bit of Gunn's biography. At least read Gunn's course on the human body. Is it possible for an ordinary man to write such things. And Livermore repeatedly in his first book hints a bit at such things. So without them it would be very difficult to understand it, or it would take many years to learn these practices (and not necessarily anything else). So Strange is right, only real transactions and nothing else will help in predicting the market. Especially when these people lived like that there was no forex as it looks now. And their practices were not designed for it.

I have read almost everything I have found about Gunn, the information is contradictory, as is the testimony of contemporaries, no one has been able to make sense of his theory for sustained profits in the market. Livermore was based exactly on real deals, he was throwing up sometimes, yes, he was).

As for markets, it makes no difference WHAT is traded, currencies, stocks, commodities, energy, derivatives or even synthetic instruments, all markets are the same.

If you analysed 100%, or at least 51% of the bidders, I'd be the first to take my hat off to you. But with 1% it's hard to have the truth. And don't say the old truth - "You don't have to eat all the soup to taste it, one spoonful is enough". A spoonful of soup may contain all the ingredients, yours may contain only the limescale, i.e. speculators. They do not move the market, but try to profit from its movements.

You know what's sweet on a freebie.

If Gunn spent 10 years studying a fairly simple commodity market before he started making money, how much time did you take to study the global financial system?

So I'm analysing exactly 100% of participants, spot, futures and options) Well, swaps and forwards trading have almost no effect on the market because of a very small percentage in the total amount, so let's say 99%)

I started earning steadily after a little under four years of studying the market, because I chewed it all up around the clock, there was an opportunity.


I have read almost everything I have found about Gunn, the information is contradictory, as is the testimony of contemporaries, no one has been able to make sense of his theory for sustained profits in the market. Livermore was based exactly on real deals, he was throwing up sometimes, yes, he was).

As to markets, it makes no difference what is traded, whether it is currencies, shares, commodities, energy, derivatives or even synthetic instruments, all markets are the same.

On real trades and he claimed that there are patterns. Only it doesn't say anything about patterns anywhere. By not intended - I mean they probably need to be adjusted in some way.
On real trades and he claimed there are patterns. Only it doesn't say anything about templates anywhere. By not intended - I mean they probably need to be adjusted in some way.

So we come to the conclusion that our youngsters, mired up to their necks in searching for the grail on the MT price chart, are mucking about? ))))

AND OH.... I'm afraid to even write such heresy)

So we are coming to the conclusion that our youngsters, who are up to their ears in search of the grail on the MT price chart, are dicking around? ))))
Yes, only real trades or the same ability as Livermore, Gunn et al.
Yes, only real deals or the same ability as Livermore, Gunn et al.
AND HE? You don't honour the Master?((
AND HE? Don't you honour the Master?
Yes, yes and HE. Well I took him to the others. )))