FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 90


the euras are distinctive...

So did I tell you everything over the weekend or do you have to have a screenshot of the deal? Are you stupid and don't understand words only drawings?
Don't forget... our Senya is a goldfish with a short term memory.

We'll have to do it all over again tomorrow. (yellow today)... but a fish)))

Gentlemen, what are you doing to each other? Everyone has his own approach to trading, someone has a + and someone has a - so in general, everyone decides for himself what is best for him, Serge is talking business, my personal opinion, and it does not matter whether it is real or demo.
Dmitry Chepik:
TR 0869

Yeah, and predictions, dumb word, are always ex post facto.

You can't put reverence on bread.

If you can't do it, smoke it, if you can do it, get to the point. You don't have to buy the Euro. You don't have to sell the Moon either. Do what?

Duh... of you smart-asses.

You also don't have to buy ginger and silver)

you can't give an opinion, let alone an approach!

You're a pain in the ass... Goldfish... Write it down - Everything is possible !)))))))

Write some funny shit... don't load...

On the pound going to 155496 and down again to 155183?
on the pound going to 155496 and down again to 155183?
stranger 1.57 and a penny sounded ...
Didn't you see it? If you didn't write it down, we'll definitely go! I trust myself.
You have to trust yourself )) so you won't be disappointed later