FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 85

I'm not senya ((((
Nikolai Romanovskyi:
So it's not like that, it's all fancy)

That's Ninja.)

I'm not senya ((((

Senya, the correction to 1.10.

I don't respond to non nicknames. (all nicknames are name-calling! rubbing and rubbing, you flubbers)
Calm... easy...
Breathe... Breathe...
A green miracle.

Accept... Accept...

hello everyone... was there anything interesting?
Roman Busarov:
hello everyone... anything interesting happen???
No... boring...
experimenting on Sensei)))
With music, with widescreen pictures off-topic! go to the appropriate branch need to overload the thematic branch)
the section is the same anyway)
I was only reading this because Zugman was bombarded with questions, so I got tired.)
Easy... calmly...
Breathe... Breathe...
A green miracle.

Accept... accept...

it's spirulina .....
it's spirulina .....
And you thought I was feeding HIM drugs.)
He's already getting a lot of vortex...
Respect... placebo...

That's Ninja.)

Senya, correction to 1.10.

Don't mislead Senya!)))
The Euro, will continue to fall...