FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 445

What's so funny (?), specifically say it and show it.
What do you mean by incompetence and what is the basis for such insults? After all, I didn't even explain anything, because you didn't even ask, or did you?

Forget it. It's not an insult. You have nothing to ask as you know nothing at all. You just picked up a lot of verbiage on the forum, examples from articles and code base. But you haven't digested it all and consolidated it with practice. That's your tactic. Generate nonsense, and then, when someone points out errors, you agree and say that's what you mean. And then a simple question denounces your ignorance on this or that issue. And so it goes all the time. And looking it up in tons of pages now, there's no desire.

Stop insulting Rena.
Who's insulting? i was just suggesting a way forward......... good shut up.....
Yeah, you decided to marry her!
no, i don't like redheads very much)) and certainly not for life

Anyway, I get it. A trend, according to Rene, is a trend. And a trend is momentum, no matter which way it goes.

It remains to be seen what is meant by "pipps trades trend".

Yeah, I wrote the wrong thing there... How was it in full?


and these are the words of an intelligent polite or whatever....

This is not about me.

FOREX - Тенденции, прогнозы и следствия 2015(продолжение)
FOREX - Тенденции, прогнозы и следствия 2015(продолжение)
FOREX - Тенденции, прогнозы и следствия 2015(продолжение). - Страница 442 - Категория: общее обсуждение
Roman Busarov:
who's insulting? i was just suggesting a way forward......... good shut up.....

I was just kidding. )))

Anatoli Kazharski:

Forget it. It's not an insult. You have nothing to ask as you know nothing at all. You just picked up a lot of verbiage on the forum, examples from articles and code base. But you haven't digested it all and consolidated it with practice. That's your tactic. Generate nonsense, and then, when someone points out errors, you agree and say that's what you mean. And then a simple question denounces your ignorance on this or that issue. And so it goes all the time. I don't feel like searching through tons of pages right now.

That reminds me of someone))))

I was just kidding. )))

There's a joke in every joke.

It's not an insult, it's a statement of fact.

No offence, but you are very bad at communicating your thoughts, all fog and puzzles.

Well, you could ask me what I didn't understand. I told you, even my friends in life don't always understand me. Eidler was right to say that my thoughts outstrip my statements, and I get an omission of coherent words.

Anyway, I get it. A trend, according to Rene, is a trend. And a trend is momentum, no matter which way it goes.

It remains to be seen what was meant by "pips trading trend".

Pips seems to be a little respected category of trader.