FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 261

Everything under 70 on the Audi is a big ask.)
yeah? .... hmm... =)) ok ... flags in their hands ...

95% are morons, I can't help it, it's a statistic.

They do not distinguish in advance from after the fact, or maybe they do not understand the meaning of words, morons in one word.

Sensei, you're right there with them)))) 95%

Where did yesterday's deal go?


Where did yesterday's deal go?

The lion ate
I haven't read the forum for two hours - I thought you would have something good to say. No way - all you can say is gooks and duckbills ugh

Forexman is an exception. So judging by your words the 0.7 audio smarts are not waiting in any case? ))
I have no trades in EUR and GBP - I will wait for entries. (short-term vectors are unreliable (volatile) need to watch out all the time)
The day before yesterday - contracts.
Today - vectors.
I am afraid to imagine...
What will happen tomorrow...
The day before yesterday - contracts.
Today - vectors.
I'm afraid to imagine...
What will happen tomorrow...
And tomorrow will be just like yesterday. ;)
The day before yesterday - contracts.
Today - vectors.
I'm afraid to imagine...
What will happen tomorrow...
bukhara ...