FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1764

Anatoli Kazharski:

No, I didn't fall for it. I suggested you take your medicine. But I didn't mean it, I was just playing along. And you fell for it. ;)))

Let's talk about neurons... and their connections...
How does the brain work?
Alexey Busygin:
You've gone crazy, pretending to be a bot...

Alyosha... we'll do anything... just to please YOU)))

So what are we going to do if the Tolics attack?

Let's talk about neurons... and their connections...
How does the brain work?
You better tell me what to do if the Wizards attack. )
Anatoli Kazharski:
You'd better tell me what to do if the Wizards attack. )
Tolyana... That's some bullshit.
You don't drink... and you live a healthy life.
And the fucking imagination... ingenuity... no.
Give me some bullshit about the harms of alcohol... (laughs)))
Tolyana... That's bullshit.
You don't drink... and have a healthy lifestyle.
And the fucking imagination... ingenuity... no.
Give me some bullshit about the harms of alcohol... (laughs)))

All my imagination is now going into articles for a new series which is being prepared for publication. I was working on the 13th one today. It's going to be about 20 in all.

I'm here in a piecemeal fashion. So find someone else to dance with. Not only do I not drink, I don't dance either. )))

Anatoli Kazharski:

All my imagination is now going into articles for a new series which is being prepared for publication. I was working on the 13th one today. It's going to be about 20 in all.

I'm here in a piecemeal fashion. So find someone else to dance with. Not only do I not drink, I don't dance either. )))

Don't be too hard on yourself.
Your pas... sometimes... even very)))
Alexey Busygin:
Alesha... Excuse me... do you dance?
Anatoli Kazharski:

All my imagination is now going into articles for a new series which is being prepared for publication. I was working on the 13th one today. It's going to be about 20 in all.

I'm here in a piecemeal fashion. So find someone else to dance with. Not only do I not drink, I don't dance either. )))

And where articles will be published, here on the resource?
Server Muradasilov:
And where will the articles be published, here on the resource?
Aleshka, come out, let's talk about contests, remember when you invited me to participate in the contest, I got hooked after all, I registered on the CFD instruments