FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1761


What's up Lesh, is everyone stupid?)))

Don't be ridiculous, you'd better give us a forecast on the Euro
Anatoli Kazharski:

I don't know who you're chasing, but I'm not chasing or running away from anyone.

Now run after Wizard and he'll run after you. Ward six. Goodbye. )))

Tolik... what to do if Tolik glitches...
but there's no way to change Tolik?
Alexey Busygin:
Don't be ridiculous, better give me a forecast on the Euro
Alesha...what to do... if the Toles attack?
Alexey Busygin:
Don't be ridiculous, better give me a forecast on the Euro

So have you made up your mind, buy or sell?)

Leshenka, don't be silent, what is your prediction?)

stranger: and sell?))

Doesn't matter. The most important thing is just to have a constant stream of predictions. In either direction. Preferably more often, otherwise discomfort sets in. That's what some people seem to come here for. And if suddenly the flow stops, deviations to extremes begin immediately. Ambivalence, perseveration, neologisms, strange associations, senseless use of rhyming words, incoherent speech. )))
Anatoli Kazharski:
It doesn't matter. The most important thing is just to have a steady stream of predictions. In either direction. Preferably more often, otherwise discomfort sets in. It seems that that is the only reason why some people come here. And if suddenly the flow stops, deviations to extremes begin immediately. Ambivalence, perseveration, neologisms, strange associations, senseless use of rhyming words, incoherent speech. )))
Tolik... what to do if Tolik glitches...
but there's no way to change Tolik?

Order book, market depth

Влияние информации в книге заявок на метрики рынка. Часть 1 | QuantAlgos
  • 2015.09.08
На текущем этапе голосования довольно сложно было определить лидера. Публикации, появившиеся раньше, набрали чуть больше голосов, что, в общем, понятно. Поэтому я решил добавить еще и свой голос за статью Mark Paddrik, Roy Hayes, William Scherer, Peter Beling - Effects of Limit Order Book Information Level on Market Stability Metrics, в которой...



The order book is good, only no one will ever show it to us, so we know that there is one and that is the end of the knowledge and will not go further than that if desired.

I posted last weekend who exactly and what mm-ing) on which exchanges with contact details even, in response Eidler drew me a picture with hieroglyphs, and others were perplexed and shrugged their shoulders and twiddled their thumbs.


Well, no, at least the mighty spoke familiar words - and left, and here, of course, a whole encyclopedia of medical terms + completely unfamiliar words that emphasize the height of flight of thoughts, minds, etc. etc. I sit and weep over my education))) That's how elementary it is, people who consider themselves smarter than others, more successful, etc. - they turn into common trash.