FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1477

Then why give Alaska back?
I'll put the net on the moon. In half an hour I may get a pose).
You won't get to the beginning of a pivot formation on the news, rather than get there. It takes a lot of "finesse" to work out.
Then why give Alaska back?
Why give it back?)))
On the news, you are more likely to miss the beginning of a pivot formation than you are to hit it. It takes a lot of finesse.
Evgeniya Balchin:

Are you selling all the Audis?
OK. I've been convinced for more than a year myself... a wadding is the best clothes!)))
While I was sitting drinking a glass of wine, one of my cows started milking herself))) Alyonka-audenka name)))) nice to meet you...
Why give it away?)))
Ahh... I was thinking about the jacket...

Alenka-audenka, nice ...


Zarik was not to be disturbed.

Alenka-audenka, nice ...

And your original Alenka macaroon... I see you've switched over to felt boots and a jacket as well!!!)