FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1475

Sorcerer, the local youths remind me of rabbits, you show them a carrot and they look at it without taking their eyes off it, they can't even see that the boa constrictor is already biting their bottom))))

You're not talking about forex, you're talking about "European values".

Wizard, I'm reminded of rabbits, you show them a carrot and they don't take their eyes off it, they can't even see that the boa constrictor is taking a bite of it))))
This branch is getting a little boring...
Alexey Busygin:
You've got a minute's view, I'm looking ahead.
Ilyusha (daily 36%) and Alyosha (annual 36%) met one day
Ilyusha tells Alyosha: "The secret of riches is... to part with your money easily.
Alyosha gets depressed... and answers through gritted teeth: "I can't meet them.
Standing nearby was Zhenka... in new Louboutins... and she was laughing)))

Gennadyevich, actually.

Touched yesterday with those %))) Forgot to say.
A few years ago still Margo was showing by 4. You take the balance sheet data and build an index

(Fed/ECB balance sheet) and you throw in the euR...


You're not talking about forex, you're talking about "European values".

I am watching with interest how Europe is "shedding mousy tears".

I wonder if there could be conditions for the eu to jump out of the terminal.


I am watching with interest how Europe is "shedding mousy tears".

I wonder if conditions could happen for the eu to jump out of the terminal.

I'll put the net on the moon. Maybe in half an hour they will give a position).

You do not talk about forex, but about "European values".

"European values" is another woe, those miserable Europeans themselves do not know what it is, they speak out of habit, they do not have a brain, they have degraded over the years of a well-fed life.

What kind of moron would accept Arabs, Turks, niggers, put them on social security and feed them? I'm not talking about the current situation, this "policy" has been going on there for a long time. Then, ah, where did we get these terrorists, they thought dudes came to work for them))))


Watching with interest how Europe "pours a mouse's tears".

I wonder if conditions could happen for the eu to jump out of the terminal.

Eidler says the eureka will be gone forever))))
I myself have been waiting for the EU "quicksand"))) they are not in much of a hurry (of course they do not give them much time)

The Brits are already consciously falling down... let's watch...


Dedicated to the Audi salesmen, my pokemon in particular...

And the Goure of the lad....


"European values" is another woe, those miserable Europeans themselves do not know what it is, they speak out of habit, they do not have a brain, they have degraded over the years of a well-fed life.

What kind of moron would take Arabs, Turks, niggers, put them on welfare and feed them. I am not talking about the current situation, this "policy" has been in place for a long time. Then, ah, where did we get these terrorists from, they thought dudes came to work for them))))

The Germans started after the war... Wouldn't have had many babies)))

It was funny when they wanted to transport 1k people to a village with 100 people... they wanted to bring in 1k... They're really going crazy))) Таллиннские новости
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