FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1443

What's not to understand?)))
The old one was sitting on the lake... fishing from a catamaran.
Alyosha came in with a net.
Late at night there was matey coming from the lake))))
Lyosha had only seen the net on TV, if he had one.
What's not to understand?)))
The old one was sitting on the lake... fishing from a catamaran.
Alyosha came in with a net.
Late at night there was matey coming from the lake))))
Ask him what the volume is, you'll laugh.)
What's not to understand?)))
The old one was sitting on the lake... fishing from a catamaran.
Alyosha came in with a net.
Late at night there was matey coming from the lake))))
We're fishing in different places, so why swear?
Alexey Busygin:
It's not like we're fishing in the same place, so why swear?
Arguing whose method is better...
The old one tried to protect the fish with catamaran floats (levels).
Alyosha was casting a net out of the blue.
Ask him what volume is, you'll laugh.)
I'd listen to Guru. It's boring without him)))
Ask him what volume is, you'll laugh.)
You speak as if you know the meaning of the word.


Old man, we've known each other for five years. fuck you every year. This is option bullshit. You're a smart man. Cut it out.



Old man, we've known each other for five years. fuck you every year. This is option bullshit. You're a smart man. Cut it out.

Quit with the money?
Alexey Busygin:
The post is gone. Did not have time to insert a quote.
The moral of the tale is that so many fishermen and so many methods.
But I'd love to hear the Master. The last time he fished with an inflatable children's life preserver

of a circle inserted into a larger one or placed next to one another (as far as I understand) it turns out the construction is not reliable)))

Stop with the money?...