FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1441

So you got it wrong? )))
Bad sign! Akela has missed again.

I don't argue, I'm waiting, I've shown you visually ...

I only see 0294 on the eu so far ...

I'm dreaming again.
Alexey Busygin:
It's a bad sign! Akela has missed again.
Guys, stop talking about things you don't understand.
I dreamt it again.
I'll sic the fisherman on you...
Yeah, somewhere around the 08 retracement target, a little higher or lower, not that important.
Naive! It's not going down there, down into hell and abyss.
Guys, stop talking about what you don't understand.
Yeah, self-sacrifice for the good of others!
Alexey Busygin:
Yes, sacrificing yourself for someone else's good!
You have no idea about profitable trading.
You have no idea about profitable trading.
I personally don't care, you can sacrifice or cheat. In any case, cheating itself is a purely individual matter.
Alexey Busygin:
Bad sign! Akela has missed again.

We hear... we hear... don't shout)))


We hear... we hear... don't shout)))
