FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1723

Yeah - took it like that, mistook the sky for earth and dived upwards.
What's that got to do with looks?
No, Old Man! The challenger is VNG - who else can say so beautifully - bounce, leap and skip

VNG is the problem, he's clever, we don't need that kind of GURA.

You're the real deal.

Alexey Busygin:
What's that got to do with eyes?
They say that if you live your whole life upside down, you can see as if you were standing on your feet - that's how the mind works - it can flip

VNG is the problem, he's clever, we don't need that kind of GURA.

You're the real deal.

You idiots don't need anyone! You're already idiots.
You morons don't need anyone! You're already morons.
Yes, the Great One.
They say that if you live your whole life upside down, you can see as if you were standing on your feet - that's how the mind works - it can turn upside down
Do they say that? Or is it your personal experience?
Alexey Busygin:
Do they say so or is it from your personal experience?
I don't have that experience, but you do ))
I don't have that kind of experience, but you do))

Mighty, please, calm your fervour.

There's too much of you here, it's unseemly for a man.


What a moron who's been raving since the early hours of the morning...

Sorry, I couldn't resist.

Piece of dog poo!!! And I thought you were a normal person

sorry I couldn't resist

Mighty, please, calm your ardour.

There's too much of you here, it's unseemly for a man.

Why do you have some kind of scale - too much or too little? What kind of monitor did you put it on? 480 pixels?

It's not my fault if it takes you two minutes to find one letter on the keyboard. Go to a speed typing course, the blind method... that's it.

or you can take a speed-reading course too - if you can't read a lot.