FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1440

You'd better be quiet, or I'll write a monograph about sticks)))
that's it...
Anatoli Kazharski:

Yes. And there too. But don't tell anyone)))))))

What are you waiting for, it's all in the past...

they didn't believe it, they didn't believe it, it happened, they're fighting...

Yes. And there too. But don't tell anyone)))))))

He already said)

Interesting, I'll dig in)


What are you waiting for, it's all in the past...

They didn't believe it, they didn't believe it, it happened, they're fighting...

prices don't change o.86 and 80, wait.

What are you waiting for, it's all in the past...

They didn't believe it, they didn't believe it, it happened, they're fighting...

We all have our faults. Not everyone admits it, or they're afraid to show it. I haven't met anyone super smart in the trade. They make a fool out of themselves, they stuff up the price, and if they show their trade, they get screwed over immediately and for a long time. It's embarrassing, you have to hide in a hole and manipulate your nature.
prices are not changing o.86 and 80, wait.

I don't argue, I'm waiting, I've shown you visually ...

only see 0294 on the eu so far ...

We all have our faults. Not everyone admits it, or is afraid to show it. I haven't met anyone super smart in trading. They get cocky, they get a price, and if they show their trade, they get screwed over right away and for a long time. It's embarrassing, you have to hide in a hole and manipulate your nature.

You're already completely blue.

And if you meet one, will it change anything?

I showed everything back in Year 9 in a slip of the tongue.
Including the mays... tumblers and volumes and volatility smiles and stuff.
And Data Mining tools... of which there's a lot of. And NS is a shitload of glitches.
But the fucking teacher... he's testing everything so hard with his hands...
it's amazing)))))))))
he's wise!!!
HE is wise!!!
Yes... But where is HE?))
I've been waiting for 24 hours... I haven't slept a wink))))))))

Dear Master!
We missed you!
Come out!